
Change Cambio De El La Exchange En Es

Index 319
Question cambio
Question sentences
Urgen esfuerzos y un cambio de mentalidad.
Lamentablemente, hoy no vemos ese cambio.
Answer change; exchange; shift
Answer sentences and translations
changeUrgen esfuerzos y un cambio de mentalidad.Urgent efforts and a change of mindset are needed.
changeLamentablemente, hoy no vemos ese cambio.That change, unfortunately, is not evident today.
changeEste también es un cambio importante.That, too, is an important change.
changeSabes cariño todos necesitamos un cambio de vestuario.You know honey, everybody needs to change their look every now and then.
changeTrate de comunicarme mientras me cambio.Would you try again? I have got to change.
changeNo ha actualizado el cambio de domicilio.But you haven't registered your change of address.
changeSupongo que quería hacer un cambio.Guess he was looking to make a change.
changePero esto supuestamente representaba un cambio.But this was supposed to be a change.
changeSignifica solamente un cambio de estrategia.All it means is a change of strategy.
changeNo tiene que darme cambio exacto.No, it doesn't have to be exact change.
changeQuizás tu cuerpo esté adaptándose al cambio hormonal.Could be your body just adjusting to the hormone change.
changeUn cambio de panorama que ilumine nuestros espíritus.A change of scene that will lighten both our spirits.
changeMe gustaría hacer un cambio de dirección.I'd like to submit a change of address.
changeTienen que sobrevivir al mayor cambio estacional del planeta.They have to survive the greatest seasonal change on the planet.
changePuedes quedarte el cambio, Hank.You can hold on to the change, Hank.
changeAcaban de escaparse con nuestro cambio.They just ran off with all our change.
exchangeDevolveremos el hielo a cambio de dinero.We will return the ice in exchange for money.
exchangePero a cambio quieren otra ofrenda.But in exchange, they want another offering.
shiftEl cambio tiene esencialmente dos dimensiones.There are two main dimensions to this shift.
shiftSe sentía como un cambio generacional en la cinematografía.You know, it felt like this generational shift in filmmaking.
changeLos adolescentes sufren un cambio drástico de actitud a cada momento.Has there been any change in the patient's condition today, nurse?
changeEl dependiente se quedó con el cambio.The shop assistant kept the change.
in exchange, in returnTe ayudaré a mudarte si, a cambio, me prestas tu auto por una semana.I will help you move if, in exchange, you loan me your car for a week.
in exchange for, in return forA cambio de mi silencio, tendrás que limpiar mi casa cuando te lo ordene.In exchange for my silence, you will have to clean my house when I order you to.
change agentErnesto ha demostrado ser un agente de cambio muy valioso para la empresa.Ernesto has shown himself to be a very valuable change agent for the company.
winds of changeNecesitamos aires de cambio en nuestro matrimonio.We need the winds of change in our marriage.
exchange rate appreciation¿Cómo se hace la apreciación del tipo de cambio?How is exchange rate appreciation done?
climate changeEl cambio climático ha traído la modificación de los patrones de lluvia en todo el mundo.Climate change has altered rain patterns throughout the whole world.
qualitative changeLa empresa necesita un cambio cualitativo si quiere seguir siendo competitiva.The company needs a qualitative change if it wants to remain competitive.
oil changeEl auto necesita un cambio de aceite.The car needs an oil change.
change of attitude, change of mindsetSi no haces un cambio de chip, tu novia te dejará.If you do not get a change of attitude, your girlfriend will leave you.
address changeDebes registrar el cambio de domicilio en la policía.You should register your address change at the police station.
change of seasonAlgunas culturas celebran el cambio de estación.Some cultures celebrate the change of the season.
changing of the guardEn Londres es muy famoso el cambio de guardia frente el palacio de Buckingham.In London, the changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace is very famous.
makeoverLa actriz hizo un cambio de imagen drástico para su nueva película.The actress's image underwent a drastic makeover for her new movie.
change of plansHubo un cambio de planes y ya no iremos a la playa.There was a change of plans and we are no longer going to the beach.
change of slope, gradient changeEl cambio de rasante no es el mejor lugar para adelantarse en la ruta.The change of slope is not the best place to accelerate when on the road.
regime changeDespués del cambio de régimen, el país se recuperó de la crisis.After the regime change the country recovered from the crisis.
turn of the centuryEl cambio de siglo trajo muchos nuevos inventos.The turn of the century ushered in many new inventions.
voice changeLos niños están empezando a sufrir un cambio de voz.The children are starting to undergo a voice change.
over and out"No hay enemigos a la vista. Cambio y fuera.""No enemies in sight. Over and out."
howeverSamuel es un niño obediente; su hermana, en cambio, es muy rebelde.Samuel is an obedient child; his sister, however, is very rebellious.
bill of exchangeEl banco emitió una letra de cambio a favor del señor Rodríguez.The bank issued a bill of exchange for Mr Rodriguez.
bargaining chipLas monedas de cambio fuertes no están muy estables.Peripheral benefits were used as a bargaining chip to close the deal.
condition¿Qué moneda de cambio vamos a establecer?What condition are we going to establish?
bargaining chipUtilizo la televisión como moneda de cambio con los chicos; primero hacen los deberes y luego la pueden ver.He used the TV as a bargaining chip with the boys: first homework then watch TV.
driving force for change, incentive for change¿Cuál será el motor de cambio en el negocio?What will the company's driving force for change be?
intention of changingHaré un propósito de cambio para bajar de peso.I have the intention of changing so I can lose weight.
exchange rateDebemos revisar la tasa de cambio constantemente.We should check the exchange rate constantly.
exchange rateEl tipo de cambio es bajo, no nos conviene cambiar los dólares.The exchange rate is low; it's not worth it to change the dollars.
winds of changeSoplan vientos de cambio en la empresa, pero me parece que no son buenos.Winds of change are blowing in the company, but they don't seem good to me.

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