closet | Tenía que sacarla de mi armario. | I had to get her out of my closet. |
closet | Creo que el armario aún está disponible. | I... I think the closet is still available. |
closet | No tenemos sitio en el armario. | We don't have closet space for that. |
closet | El armario podría resultar un problema. | The closet might be a bit of a problem. |
closet | Salga del armario, reverendo Steve. | Come out of the closet, Reverend Steve. |
closet | Hay sitio para esconderse bajo la cama o en un armario. | Sure, there's plenty of room for a guy to hide under one of those beds or in a closet like this. |
closet | Necesitas un armario portátil para todos tus esqueletos. | You need a walk-in closet for all of your skeletons. |
closet | La encerrare en el armario cuando caiga. | I'll knock her in the closet after she falls in. |
closet | Admiro cómo mantienes limpio tu armario. | I admire how organized you keep your closet. |
closet | La cogió del armario del arzobispo Rushman. | He took it from the closet of Archbishop Rushman. |
closet | Vamos a limpiar el armario del conserje y remodelarlo... | We are going to clear out the janitor's closet and remodel it... |
closet | Cuelgue sus cosas en el armario. | You can hang your things in the closet. |
closet | Puedes coger una toalla del armario. | You can get a towel in the closet. |
closet | Cada ciudad tiene algunos esqueletos en el armario. | Every town's got a few skeletons in the closet. |
closet | Encontrarás sábanas en el armario del pasillo. | You'll find some sheets and things in the hallway closet. |
closet | Hay unas mantas en el armario. | Well, find some blankets in the closet. |
wardrobe | Montón de basura debajo del armario. | Stack of filth. man. under the wardrobe. |
wardrobe | Tenía esto guardado en el armario. | She had all that stashed in the wardrobe. |
cabinet | Dejaron esto en el interior del armario. | They left that on the inside of the cabinet. |
cabinet | Puedes sacarle el seguro al armario. | The lock can come off the cabinet now. |
wardrobe | Hay un armario en cada dormitorio. | Every bedroom has a wardrobe. |
fuse box | El electricista revisó el armario de distribución. | The electrician checked the fuse box. |
tool box | José es carpintero y tiene un armario de herramientas grande y variado. | Joseph is a carpenter and has a large and varied tool box. |
bookcase | La maestra compró un armario de libros para su nueva casa. | The teacher bought a bookcase for her new house. |
electric cabinet | Puedes controlar tu instalación desde el armario eléctrico. | You can control the fixtures from your electric cabinet. |
built-in closet | Con el uso de armarios empotrados se aprovecha mejor el espacio interior de las casas. | With the use of built-in closets the interior space of homes is used more effectively. |
come out | Juan ha salido del armario y nos ha presentado a su novio. | Juan has come out and introduced us to his boyfriend. |