
Coffin Ataúd El En Box Su I Casket

Index 4992
Question ataúd
Question sentences
Quitaron las losetas y abrieron el ataúd.
Jamás hubiera pensado acompañar un día su ataúd.
Answer coffin; casket; box
Answer sentences and translations
coffinQuitaron las losetas y abrieron el ataúd.They just removed the stones and opened the coffin.
coffinJamás hubiera pensado acompañar un día su ataúd.I never would have imagined that one day I'd walk beside her coffin.
coffinHotch, tenemos otro ataúd aquí.Hotch, there's another coffin over here.
coffinNecesito ese ataúd con toda urgencia.I need that coffin as a matter of urgency.
coffinSiento como si hubiéramos abierto su ataúd.I feel it is as if we've just opened up his coffin.
coffinNo debería esconderse en un ataúd.It shouldn't be hiding in a coffin.
coffinSu ataúd será todo de cocos, gracias.And his coffin will be made entirely of coconuts, thank you.
coffinEstoy concentrado en conseguir abrir este ataúd.I'm just focused on getting this coffin open.
coffinCualquiera pudo meterla en el ataúd.Anybody could have stuck it in the coffin.
coffinSerá bueno aprovechar un ataúd para variar.It'll be nice putting a coffin to good use for a change.
coffinOtra cosa, hacemos su ataúd demasiado pequeño.Another thing... we're making his coffin too small.
coffinMañana abriremos su ataúd mientras duerme.Tomorrow, while he sleeps, we will open his coffin.
coffinLa tierra roja cubriendo el ataúd.The blood-red earth pattering on mother's coffin.
coffinQuieres enviarnos de vuelta al ataúd.You want to send us back into the coffin.
coffinDel hombre que debería estar en el ataúd.From the man that's supposed to be buried in that coffin.
casketTambién encontramos sus huellas en un ataúd exhumado recientemente.We also found your prints on a casket that was dug up recently.
casketNunca entregaron ningún ataúd al mausoleo.They never delivered a casket to the mausoleum.
boxNos enterrarán en el mismo ataúd.So they'll bury us all in the same box.
boxLo estaba preparando para el ataúd.I... I was getting him ready for the box.
boxNo los vi ponerte en ese ataúd.Now, I didn't see them put you in that box, actually.
coffin, casketEl ataúd era de madera con un crucifijo de plata en la tapa.The coffin was made of wood with a silver cross on the top.

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