color | Odio el color de nuestro comedor. | I hate the color of our dining room. |
color | Te trajo color a las mejillas. | It's brought the color to your cheeks. |
color | Admiro la belleza de cualquier color. | I have the right to see fine in every color. |
color | Darle vida con color y refinamiento. | Make it come alive with color and tenasity. |
color | Todo es color en estos días. | It's done now. Anyhow, all my stuff's color nowadays. |
color | Me permitieron determinar el color del vehículo. | They allowed me to determine the vehicle's color. |
color | En realidad queríamos una en color. | Well, we were really counting on a color set. |
color | Me dijiste que escogiera un color. | I think you told me to pick a color. |
color | Me compré ropa del color favorito de Harvey. | I even bought a whole new wardrobe in Harvey's favorite color. |
color | El color del día es amarillo. | [Woman On Phone] The color of the day is yellow. |
color | Tienes una zapatilla de cada color. | You still have a pump in every color. |
color | Desaparecerá las abolladuras, le cambiará el color. | He'll make those dents disappear, change the color. |
color | Vi el color violeta cuando acababa. | I saw the color Violet when I came. |
colour | Entonces pudo equivocarse en el color. | So, he could have gotten the colour wrong. |
colour | Ojalá hubiera encontrado telas del color de estas aguas. | But I wish I could have found material the colour of this water. |
colour | Bueno, estás recuperando tu color. | Well, you're getting your colour back. |
colour | Mire la profundidad del color su definición. | Look at the depth of colour, the definition. |
colour | Analicemos el color de la prótesis. | So analyse the colour of the hearing aid. |
coloured | Si nos casamos, nacerá un señor color manzanilla. | If she marries me, will be born a doctor coloured of chamomile. |
color | Me encantan los colores del cielo al anochecer. | I love the colours of the sky at nightfall. |
color | La artista usa colores muy costosos en sus cuadros. | The artist uses very rich colors in her paintings. |
color | Van Gogh daba gran relevancia al color en sus cuadros. | Van Gogh emphasized color in his paintings. |
color | Los colores del espectro son el resultado de la descomposición de la luz solar a través de un prisma. | The colors of the spectrum are the result of sunlight decomposing through a prism. |
color | El cantante tiene un agradable color de voz. | The singer has a pleasant voice color. |