commercial | Seminario sobre arbitraje comercial, París. | Seminar on commercial arbitration, Paris, France. |
commercial | No puedes dirigir una embarcación comercial solo. | You can't run a commercial vessel by yourself. |
commercial | Se proyecta que un contratista comercial preste esos servicios. | It is planned that these services will be provided by a commercial contractor. |
commercial | Recuerdo que audicioné para un comercial de Papa John's. | I remember I went on this audition for a commercial for Papa John's. |
commercial | Este último comercial es un ejemplo. | This last commercial is a case in point. |
commercial | El comercial del huevo frito me afectó profundamente. | That commercial with the frying egg had a profound effect on me. |
commercial | Y así inicia una empresa comercial. | And thus he starts on a a commercial enterprise. |
commercial | Es un pintor comercial muy famoso. | He's pretty famous as a commercial artist too. |
commercial | Quizás, pero no de un avión comercial. | Maybe, but it wasn't a commercial plane, I can tell you that. |
commercial | Varias nuevas tecnologías han alcanzado recientemente mayor madurez comercial. | A number of new technologies have recently attained greater commercial maturity. |
commercial | Alguien debería estar filmando un comercial de paz mundial. | Someone could take advantage and shoot a commercial about world peace. |
commercial | Eso sería un comercial de perfumes perfecto. | That would be, like, a perfect perfume commercial. |
commercial | Volveremos después de un corte comercial... | We'll be right back after this commercial... |
commercial | Somos los niños que mencionaste en tu comercial. | We're the kids whose names you called on your commercial last night. |
commercial | No había mucho software comercial disponible. | There wasrt really a lot of commercial software available. |
commercial | Era una pieza mucho más comercial. | It was much more of a commercial piece. |
trade | Se publicaron dos nuevos informes sobre logística comercial. | In the area of trade logistics, two new reports were published. |
trade | Nadie quiere participar en una guerra comercial. | No one wants to engage in a trade war. |
trade | El déficit comercial del país ha sido constante. | There has consistently been a trade deficit facing the country. |
trade | La secretaría sigue desarrollando su nuevo sistema de información comercial Sur-Sur. | The secretariat continues to develop its new South - South trade information system. |
commercial | La zona comercial de la ciudad bulle de actividad los fines de semana. | The city's commercial area bustles with activity on the weekend. |
commercial | Una película comercial suele ser un gran un éxito de taquilla. | Commercial films are usually box-office hits. |
salesperson | Luisa trabaja como agente comercial de una empresa multinacional. | Luisa works as a salesperson in a multinational company. |
business alliance | Los siete países firmaron una alianza comercial. | The seven countries signed a business alliance. |
business case | El argumento comercial debe despertar el interés del cliente en el producto. | A business case should catch the client's interest in the product. |
yield a trade deficit | La inversión arrojó un déficit comercial inesperado. | The investment yielded an unexpected trade deficit. |
professional look | La empresa quiere concentrarse en su aspecto comercial. | The company wants to concentrate on its professional look. |
increase commercial capacity | La empresa necesita aumentar la capacidad comercial. | The company needs to increase commercial capacity. |
sales assistant | Susana es auxiliar comercial en una tienda de ropa. | Susana is a salesperson in a clothing shop. |
trade balance, balance of trade | La balanza comercial no es favorable para el país ya que importan por mayor valor del que exportan. | The trade balance is not favorable for the country as it imports a greater value than it exports. |
commercial bank | La banca comercial no aprobó el préstamo. | The commercial bank didn't approve the loan. |
business letter | La carta comercial incluía todos los datos relevantes de la compañía. | The business letter included all of the relevant information on the company. |
shopping mall | Ayer estuve de compras en el centro comercial. | Yesterday I was shopping at the shopping mall. |
commercial contract, business contract | Se discutieron todos los aspectos del contrato comercial antes de firmarlo. | They discussed every aspect of the commercial contract before signing it. |
business correspondence | Las empresas mantuvieron correspondencia comercial durante años. | The companies maintained business correspondence for years. |
commercial exploitation, commercial use | La explotación comercial de estos bosques está estrictamente prohibida. | The commercial exploitation of these forests is strictly forbidden. |
business manager | Lucía es la nueva gerente comercial de la empresa. | Lucía is the company's new commercial manager. |
business management | María está a cargo de la gestión comercial de la compañía. | Maria is in charge of the business management of the company. |
business engineering, commercial engineering | Juan estudia ingeniería comercial en la universidad. | Juan is majoring in business engineering at university. |
commercial exchange | La empresa organizaba un intercambio comercial. | The company organised a commercial exchange. |
commercial interest | El contador calculó el interés comercial de la compra. | The accountant calculated the commercial interest on the purchase. |
commercial office | La alcaldía prohibió los locales comerciales en esta zona de la ciudad. | The mayor prohibited commercial offices in this part of the city. |
brand name, brand, trade name | Algunos productos se conocen por el nombre comercial. | Some products are known by the trade name. |
commercial relationship | Las dos empresas mantienen una relación comercial desde hace meses. | The two companies have maintained a commercial relationship for several months. |
commercial representation | La empresa tendrá una representación comercial con el abogado. | The company will have commercial representation with the attorney. |
mercantile society | La empresa se estableció como sociedad comercial a principios del siglo XX. | The company was established as a mercantile society at the beginning of the 20th century. |
commercial use | El local se alquila para uso comercial. | The property is leased for commercial use. |
shopping area, shopping district | Fuimos a pasear por la zona comercial. | We went for a walk in the shopping area (or: district). |