risk | Ningún Estado puede considerarse inmune al riesgo de crímenes atroces. | No State can consider itself immune to the risk of atrocity crimes. |
risk | Y reduciría significativamente el riesgo de proliferación nuclear. | And it would significantly reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation. |
risk | La inquietud internacional sobre el riesgo inminente de proliferación persiste. | The urgent international concern about the imminent proliferation risk is still there. |
risk | Se recomienda minimizar el riesgo de contaminación microbiana durante la dilución. | It is recommended that during dilution the risk of microbial contamination is minimised. |
risk | Puede aumentar el riesgo de efectos adversos peligrosos. | It can increase the risk of experiencing dangerous side effects. |
risk | Con cada cirugía hay un riesgo. | With every surgery, there is a risk. |
risk | Está asumiendo un gran riesgo trayéndome esto. | You're taking a very big risk bringing this to me. |
risk | Caleb habría corrido un gran riesgo. | Caleb would have been taking a big risk. |
risk | Está corriendo un riesgo tremendo al ayudarnos. | She's taking a tremendous risk in helping us. |
risk | Asumiré todo el riesgo por una pequeña suma. | Get rid of the letters, take all the risk, for a small percentage. |
risk | NASA solicita las coordenadas de satélites en riesgo. | NASA's requesting the coordinates of any satellites at risk. |
risk | Siempre hemos sido conscientes del riesgo. | We always knew that there was a risk. |
risk | Pero cancelarlo es correr el riesgo de distanciarse. | But to cancel is to run the risk of alienating. |
risk | No necesitas correr el riesgo de... | You don't have to take the risk of... |
risk | Te dan mucho dinero sin riesgo. | Who bring you mucho dinero at no risk. |
risk | Siempre hay cierto riesgo de que algo explote. | There's always some sort of a risk of something blowing up. |
risk | Hay un riesgo inmediato de explosión del cohete. | There's the immediate risk of the rocket blowing up. |
risk | Quiero minimizar el riesgo de contacto con los habitantes. | I want to minimize the risk of contact with the inhabitants. |
risk | Entonces creo que todos ignoraríamos el riesgo. | Then I think we would all ignore the risk. |
risk | Pero tenemos el riesgo de transporte. | But then we got to take the risk of moving it. |
risk | Debido a las lluvias torrenciales existe un alto riesgo de inundación en las zonas bajas. | Due to the torrential rains there is a high risk of flooding in the low-lying areas. |