completely | Tampoco puede excluirse completamente la posibilidad de un shock anafiláctico. | 152 Furthermore, the possibility of an anaphylactic shock cannot be completely excluded. |
completely | Presionar el botón de inyección completamente. | Then the injection button should be pressed in completely. |
completely | Necesito secarlo y volver a instalarlo completamente. | I'll need to dry it out and completely rewire it. |
completely | No creo que sea completamente un político. | Anyway, I just don't think he's completely apolitical. |
completely | Temo que me he perdido completamente. | I'm afraid you've lost me completely. |
completely | Deme otros 10 minutos y lo entenderá completamente. | Give me another 10 minutes and you'll understand completely. |
completely | Lo has sacado completamente de contexto. | You've taken that completely out of context. |
completely | He estado completamente atrapada por estas nuevas amistades... | I've been completely caught up in these new relationships... |
completely | Eso significa que no estamos completamente perdidos. | At least that means we're not completely lost. |
completely | Los jóvenes estarán investigando una isla completamente deshabitada. | Our young wards will be investigating a completely uninhabited island. |
completely | Si no arriesgas tu corazón completamente... | If you will not risk your heart completely... |
completely | Están completamente desolados, y estoy muy molesta. | They're completely devastated, and I'm really upset. |
completely | Pensé que lo había descartado completamente. | I thought he just scratched it out completely. |
completely | No he sido completamente feliz desde entonces. | I haven't spent a completely happy day since. |
completely | Rompieron completamente la barrera entre banda y fans. | They completely broke down the barriers between a band and fans. |
fully | El Fondo establecerá una secretaría que será completamente independiente. | The Fund will establish a secretariat, which will be fully independent. |
fully | Pero tienes que prometernos cooperar completamente. | But you have to promise to cooperate fully. |
entirely | Durante la maniobra, estarán completamente solos. | During the manoeuvre, they are entirely on their own. |
entirely | Pero son buenas noticias que no te irás completamente. | But it's good news that you won't be casting off entirely. |
entirely | Tengo algunos dedos rotos, otros faltan completamente. | I got a few broken fingers, some missing entirely. |
completely | La segunda parte de la película es completamente diferente a la primera. | The second half of the film's completely different from the first. |