Indian | Hay un restaurante indio y otro tailandés. | We have an Indian restaurant and a Thai place. |
Indian | Ojalá tu novio indio pudiera verte ahora. | I wish your Indian brave could see you now. |
Indian | Este Hanu es un indio diferente. | This Hanu, he's some different kind of Indian. |
Indian | Te habría disparado tomándote por indio. | It would have shot you taking for Indian. |
Indian | Vamos a culpar al chico indio. | We're going to pin it on the Indian kid. |
Indian | Fue idea mía abrir un restaurante indio. | It was my idea to open an Indian restaurant. |
Indian | Fue grandioso, hubiera sido indio... | It was great, but had it been Indian... |
Indian | Tal vez este mestizo será indio. | Maybe this half-breed, he'll be Indian. |
Indian | Quiero vengar a mi deshonroso despido del ejército indio. | I want to avenge my dishonorable discharge from the Indian Army. |
Indian | No lo sé, un tipo indio. | Who was your guy? - I don't know, some Indian fella. |
Indian | Ese indio loco no tiene amigos. | That crazy Indian doesn't have any friends. |
Indian | 1856: Acacio Gabriel Viegas, médico indio. | 1856 - Acacio Gabriel Viegas, Indian physician (d. |
Indian | Regresó al Territorio indio y estableció la Misión Nuyaka. | Robertson returned to the Indian Territory, and established the Nuyaka Mission. |
Indian | Y como un indio lucharé por mis derechos. | What my right is, being an Indian, I'll fight to get that. |
Indian | Sólo preguntaban por ese viejo túmulo indio. | All they ever asked about was that old Indian burial mound. |
Indian | Inventé una historia de un indio loco perdido. | I trumped up a story about a crazy Indian on the loose. |
Indian | Este caballero busca al estudiante indio. | This gentleman's looking for the Indian student. |
Injun | Un viejo curandero indio halló su cadáver. | An old Injun medicine man came across the body. |
Injun | Devuélvenos al niño, indio asqueroso. | Return the boy to us, you nasty Injun. |
Native Indian | Los territorios indios conquistados se convirtieron en colonias, provincias y capitanías. | Conquered Native Indian land was converted into colonies, provinces and capitals. |
Amerindian, Indian | Este museo lleva el nombre de Gerónimo, el famoso indio apache. | This museum is named Geronimo, after the famous Amerindian. |
play around, mess around | No hagas más el indio y ponte a trabajar de una vez. | Stop playing around (or: messing around) and start working at once. |