consciousness | Y ahora su conciencia está dando vueltas aquí. | And now his consciousness is rattling around Up in here. |
consciousness | No reprimo la conciencia del huésped. | I don't suppress the consciousness of the body that hosts me. |
consciousness | Luego está la idea de conciencia. | And then you get into the whole idea of consciousness. |
consciousness | Nuestra conciencia no está preparada para olvidar. | One's consciousness isn't prepared to let go. |
consciousness | Recobrará la conciencia en un rato. | She should regain consciousness in a little while. |
consciousness | Hay otra conciencia compartiendo su red. | There's another consciousness... sharing her network. |
awareness | Pienso que ahora hay más conciencia. | I think that there's more awareness of... |
awareness | Está demostrando real conciencia del panorama. | He's showing a real awareness of the landscape. |
conscience | No necesito un hombre de conciencia. | I don't need a man of conscience. |
conscience | Si tuviera conciencia, tampoco le preocuparía. | You know, if he had a conscience, it still wouldn't bother him. |
conscience | Y él querrá limpiar su conciencia. | And he'll be desperate to clear his conscience. |
conscience | Es cuestión de conciencia, Steve. | It's a matter of conscience, Steve. |
conscience | Dice que quiere limpiar su conciencia. | He says he wants to clear his conscience. |
conscience | Hyung, soy alguien con conciencia. | Hyung, I'm someone with a conscience. |
conscience | Ya nos compraremos una conciencia mañana. | Well, we can buy a conscience tomorrow. |
conscience | Sólo estoy aquí para limpiar mi conciencia. | I'm just here to clear out my conscience. |
conscience | Tu problema es que tienes conciencia. | Your trouble is you've got a conscience. |
conscience | Pero esos ricos estudiantes con conciencia social no entendían. | But those rich students with social conscience didn't understand this. |
conscience | No quiere más vidas en su conciencia. | You don't want more lives on your conscience. |
conscience | Las Naciones Unidas también deben actuar como conciencia mundial. | The United Nations should serve also as the world's conscience. |
conscience | Tu conciencia no te deja dormir porque sabes que actuaste mal. Mi conciencia no me deja realizar actos malvados. | Your conscience stops you from sleeping because you know you did something wrong. |
consciousness, awareness | Se debe formar en los niños una conciencia cívica para que aprendan a convivir en armonía. | Children need to have a sense of civic awareness instilled in them so they can learn to live harmoniously with others. |
moral sense | La antagonista es una mujer sin conciencia. | The antagonist is a woman without a moral sense. |
awareness | Se debe formar en los niños una conciencia cívica para que aprendan a convivir en armonía. Los jóvenes tienen consciencia de la necesidad de cuidar el ambiente. | Children should be taught civic awareness so that they learn to live together in harmony. |
awareness | Mi cliente actuó sin conciencia de lo que hacía. | My client acted without awareness of what he was doing. |
thoroughly | Si quieres comprender el texto, tienes que leerlo a conciencia. | If you want to fully understand the text you have to read it thoroughly. |
guilty feeling, attack of conscience | No tengo cargo de conciencia, hice lo que tenía que hacer. | I do not have a guilty feeling; I did what I had to do. |
social conscience | La conciencia social de las empresas tiene un fuerte impacto en su imagen. | The social conscience of companies has a deep impact on their image. |
conscience dictates that you | La conciencia me dictó que dejara ese trabajo. | Mark's conscience was dictating that he turn over the money he found to the police. |
freedom of conscience | Oponerse a la guerra es un derecho que confiere la libertad de conciencia. | Opposing war is a right that the freedom of conscience gives us. |
conscientious objector | Juan es un objetor de conciencia. | Juan is a conscientious objector. |
awareness | La toma de conciencia es un paso necesario para enmendar errores. | Awareness is a necessary step in order to correct mistakes. |
become aware of | Cuando las personas tomaron conciencia del alto consumo de agua en sus hogares, la amenaza de sequía terminó. | When people became aware of the high consumption of water in their homes, the threat of drought ended. |