convince | Pero fue imposible convencer a Jimmy. | But you couldn't convince Jimmy of that. |
convince | McAllister, intenta convencer a la inspectora Leong. | McAllister, see if you can't convince Inspector Leong to give us her support. |
convince | Tal vez pueda convencer para hacer su nuestros problemas. | Well, perhaps I can convince you to make our problems your own. |
convince | Todavía tengo a algunos que convencer. | There are still a few I have to convince. |
convince | No sé como convencer a Charlotte. | I don't know how to convince Charlotte. |
convince | Debo convencer al decano de que quiero entrar. | Somehow, I have to convince the Dean that I actually want to go here. |
convince | Es convencer y eso lleva tiempo. | You need to convince people which takes time. |
convince | No tengo que convencer al juez. | I don't have to convince the judge. |
convince | Sólo debo convencer al director de atletismo... | All I have to do is convince the athletic director... |
convince | Hemos tardado mucho tiempo en convencer a todos... | It's taken a great deal of time to convince everyone... to extend this invitation. |
convince | También sabía convencer a alguien de suicidarse. | Secondly, he knew how to convince someone to commit suicide. |
convince | Es Jennifer a quien debo convencer. | Jennifer's the one I have to convince. |
convince | Creo poder convencer a la fiscal. | And I think she can convince the D. A. too. |
persuade | Liderar significa saber dialogar, convencer y forjar alianzas y consenso. | Leadership means knowing how to dialogue, persuade and build alliances and consensus. |
persuade | Podría convencer al Fiscal del valor de esta información. | I could persuade the D.A. to see the value of this information. |
talk | Sólo tenemos que convencer a Ricky. | We just got to talk Ricky out of doing the big dirty. |
talk | No puedo convencer al embajador delegado de nada. | I can't talk the Deputy Ambassador into anything, Mr. Vincent. |
impress, please | La nueva marca de refrescos no convenció a los consumidores. | The new drinks brand failed to impress consumers. |