corral | Podrá llenar su corral con caballos. | You'll be able to fill that corral with horses. |
corral | Faltaban ocho caballos de tu corral. | There were eight horses missing from your corral. |
corral | Los muchachos pondrán sus caballos en el corral. | These boys here will take your horses and put them in the corral for you. |
corral | Las coloqué en el corral norte. | I put 'em up in the north corral. |
corral | Arrójenlo al corral donde pertenecen todos los humanos. | Throw him in the corral, where all humans belong. |
corral | Llegaremos hasta los caballos del corral. | We'll get to the horses in the corral. |
corral | Cuando había muchas vacas, construían otro corral. | When there were too many cows, they'd build another corral. |
corral | Y ésta dice: "corral". | And this one says "corral". |
corral | Allí esta, Prince Heny Stout... Encadenado en el centro del corral. | There's Prince Heny Stout... chained in the middle of the corral. |
corral | Hay una patrulla comanche sobre el corral observando cada movimiento que hacemos. | 'Cause there's a Comanches war party over the corral watching every move we make. |
corral | A la derecha hay un corral. | And you will find a corral on your right. |
corral | Hay un corral cerca para dejar los caballos. | There's a corral nearby we can put the horses. |
pen | Solo habría que abrir el corral. | All someone would have to do is open the pen. |
pen | Porque sólo estropean una esquina del corral. | Because they only muss one corner of the pen. |
pen | Éste es mi corral de control. | Now, this is my control pen, here. |
pen | La encontré tirada en el corral de ovejas. | I don't know. I found her lying in the sheep pen. |
pen | Bueno, debo confesar que ayer, cuando dos compañeros y yo construíamos un corral en el campo cortábamos nuestros troncos. | Well, I must confess yesterday, when two of my brethren and I were building a lambing pen in the field we notched our logs just so. |
pen | En un corral cerca de la plataforma. | They're in a pen near the parking shuttles. |
farmyard | Empecé con los más fáciles: Rosbif, libros viejos, hierva cortada y corral mexicano. | So, I began on the easiest - roast beef, old books, mown grass and Mexican farmyard. |
farmyard | Su mente, evidentemente, no puede levantarse por encima del nivel del corral. | Your mind evidently cannot rise above the farmyard level. |
farmyard | El vaquero sacó a las vacas del corral para que pacieran a campo abierto. | The farmer took the cows out of the farmyard so they could go for a stroll in the open field. |
bullpen | Los toros de lidia se mantienen en un corral. | Fighting bulls are kept in a bullpen. |