court | Lejos de la corte real es vulnerable. | Away from the royal court, he is vulnerable. |
court | Mañana presidirás la corte por primera vez. | Tomorrow you'll hold court for the first time. |
court | Esta corte garantizará el pago total. | In the meantime, this court will guarantee full payment. |
court | Gutiérrez ha traído a esta corte. | Ms. Gutierrez has brought before this court. |
court | Tu palabra será suficiente para la corte. | Your word will be good enough for the court. |
court | No necesito conseguirlo a la corte. | I don't need to get it into court. |
court | Esto será delicioso para la corte. | This'll make a toothsome morsel for the court. |
court | No reconozco esta corte como árbitro moral. | I don't recognize this court as a moral arbiter. |
court | Tienes que identificarte para la corte. | You have to identify yourself for the court. |
court | Deberías tu adorada corte, Lico. | You should be mindful of your adoring court, Lykos. |
court | Cierta asistencia a la corte sería apropiada. | Some attendance at the court would be in order. |
court | La corte decidió que no aceptarán nuestro testimonio. | The court decided that they would not accept our testimony. |
court | Y haré reportes periódicos a la corte. | And I'll make periodic reports to the court. |
court | Nómbreme una corte que haya aceptado esta defensa. | You name me one court that has accepted this defense. |
cutting | Su diseño original para corte seco, permite también el corte húmedo. | Its original design is made for dry cutting, but also allows wet cutting. |
cut | Ese corte parece que requiere asistencia. | That cut looks like it needs some attention. |
cut | Solo estoy esperando que alguien corte la cinta. | I'm only waiting for someone to cut the 'ribbon'. |
cut | Nuestro atacante sabía que el primer corte sería suficiente... | Our assailant knew that the first cut had to be sufficient... |
cut | Llegas temprano para tu siguiente corte. | Mike. You're early for your next cut. |
cut | Me hice un corte con el papel. | I gave myself a paper cut. |
edge | El corte del cuchillo está embotado. | The knife edge is blunt. |
interruption, cutoff, outage | Mañana habrá un corte de luz en mi vecindario. | There's going to be a power outage (or: interruption) in my neighborhood tomorrow. |
court | El rey de Ruritania llegó acompañado de toda su corte. | The King of Ruritania arrived with his whole court. |
court | Madrid es villa y corte. | In past centuries a lot of courtiers actually lived at court. |
cut-off year | En la evaluación del proyecto de inversión, 2015 es el año cero y 2020 el año de corte. | In the evaluation of the investment project, 2015 is year zero and 2020 is the cut-off year. |
water shutoff | Tendremos un corte de agua mañana por la tarde. | We will have a water shutoff tomorrow afternoon. |
haircut, hairstyle | La actriz moderniza su imagen cambiando su corte de cabello con frecuencia. | The actress revamps her image with frequent hairstyle changes. |
stomach cramp | Si entras al agua después de comer puedes sufrir un corte de digestión. | If you go into the water after eating you can suffer from stomach cramps. |
the bird, the flip, the finger | Un corte de mangas bastó para que Francisco entendiera lo que pienso de él. | I was fuming and gave the driver who cut me up the bird. |
haircut | Elena tiene un nuevo corte de pelo. | Elena has a new haircut. |
even cut, clean cut | El leñador partió el tronco de un corte limpio. | The woodcutter sliced the wood with an even cut. |
monthly cutoff date | El corte mensual es el ocho de cada mes. | The monthly cutoff date is on the 8th of each month. |
beveled cut | Un corte oblicuo del tronco del árbol nos permite observar claramente su composición interior. | A beveled cut in the tree trunk allows us to clearly see its interior composition. |
poetic style | Sus obras tienen un corte poético. | Her works have a poetic style about them. |
cross section | El dibujo muestra un corte transversal del motor. | The image shows a cross section of the engine. |
feel awkward | Me da corte pedir preservativos en la farmacia. | I feel awkward asking for condoms at the pharmacy. |
feel ashamed | Me da mucho corte lo que pasó, discúlpame. | I feel ashamed about what happened; I'm sorry. |
give [sb] the finger | ¿Cómo pudiste hacerle un corte de mangas a tu hermano? ¡No seas grosero! | How could you give your brother the finger? Don't be so rude! |