country | El Estado parte no mencionó ningún país concreto. | The State party did not refer to any specific country. |
country | Su país también sufre las consecuencias de sanciones unilaterales agresivas. | The country was also suffering as a result of belligerent, unilateral sanctions. |
country | Ningún país puede proclamarse perfecto y siempre cabe mejorar. | No country could claim to be perfect, and there was always room for improvement. |
country | Ningún país puede enfrentarlos por sí solo. | No country can deal with them on its own. |
country | Como nuevo país donante, Lituania suscribe plenamente esos compromisos. | As a new donor country, Lithuania fully subscribes to those commitments. |
country | Somos un país europeo, mediterráneo e iberoamericano. | Our country is European, Mediterranean and Ibero-American in character. |
country | Habrá traidores de mi país y sus patrocinadores americanos. | There'll be traitors from my country and their American sponsors. |
country | Es un país entre Francia y España. | TOUR KID: It's a country between France and Spain. |
country | Porque estoy algo ocupado manejando el país. | Because I'm a tad busy running the country. |
country | No quiero gobernar mi propio país. | I don't want to run my own country. |
country | Debías ser rudo para cruzar el país entonces. | You had to be tough to cross this country in them days. |
country | Comandante Gareth hemos estado monitorizando la situación en su país. | Commander Gareth, we've been monitoring the situation in your country. |
country | Solíamos verlo y pensar qué maravilloso es este país. | We used to watch that and think what an amazing country this was. |
country | Estas arruinando el núcleo de este país. | You are ruining the very core of this country. |
country | En este país sucederán grandes cambios. | Great changes are about to take place in this country. |
country | Entra a otro país sin pasaporte. | He gets into the country without a passport. |
country | En mi país las convencemos hablando. | In my country, we talk to our women. |
country | Tendríamos la Gardai recorriendo el país por nosotras. | We'd have the Gardai scouring the country for us. |
country | Vine a este país persiguiendo el sueño americano. | I came to this country to pursue the American dream. |
country | Podríamos hacer un viaje por el país. | I could take you for a wonderful trip around the country. |
country | No podría vivir en el extranjero, amo demasiado a mi país. | I couldn't live abroad, I love my country too much. |