cross | Usaré esta cruz contra un vampiro. | I'm using this cross against a vampire. |
cross | Aunque te veías destrozado en esa cruz. | Although you did look awfully shredded on that cross. |
cross | Tengo una hermosa cruz sobre mí. | I have a beautiful fine cross over me. |
cross | Supongo que son mi cruz. Para. | I guess you're just my cross to bear - Pull over, Everett. |
cross | Nunca he visto un sin cruz. | I've never seen one of these without a cross. |
cross | Estabas ahí cuando encontraste la cruz. | That is where you were when you found the cross. |
cross | También le entrega una cruz plateada. | He also gives her a large silver cross. |
cross | Hablamos pues de una cruz celta. | The design is that of a Celtic cross. |
cross | Marqué con una cruz para enseñarte dónde vive papá. | I've marked in a cross to show you where your daddy lives. |
cross | Murió justo cuando encontró esa cruz. | He died right after he found that cross. |
cross | Debemos comprarle una cruz de caoba. | We ought to buy a cross of mahogany. |
cross | Tienes que darle la cruz mañana. | You have to give the cross back tomorrow. |
cross | Estábamos buscando cosas sobre la verdadera cruz. | We were looking up stuff on the true cross. |
cross | La planta tiene forma de cruz latina. | The ground plan is in the shape of a Latin cross. |
cross | Prohibida la cruz delante de las iglesias. | Forbidden is the cross in the parvis of churches. |
cross | Es claramente posible hacer vana la cruz. | It is distinctly possible to empty the cross of its power. |
tails | Si revolea la moneda de 5¢ 10 veces sacará: Cara, cara, cruz, cara, cruz, cruz, cruz, cara, cruz, cruz. | If you flip the nickel 10 times, you'll get heads, heads, tails, heads, tails, tails, tails, heads, tails, tails. |