tip | Estos continúan hasta la punta de las mandíbulas. | They continue to be present until the very tip of the jaws. |
tip | También, con un pincho en la punta. | And a tail? -That, too, with a spike on the tip. |
tip | Hombre, quizás descubrimos la punta del iceberg aquí. | Man, we may have just uncovered the tip of the iceberg here. |
tip | Limpiar la punta después de cada aspiración. | Clear any matter from the tip after each suction. |
tip | Podrías arruinar la punta al quemarla. | You could ruin the tip by burning it out. |
tip | Está en la punta del río Gaudalquivir. | It's at the tip of the Guadalquivir river. |
point | Una punta hueca llegó al cráneo. | A hollow point went into the back of his skull. |
point | Prefiero no aprender a punta de espada. | I prefer not to learn at the point of a sword. |
point | Comparé esta punta con la herida mortal. | I compared this field point to the fatal wound. |
point | La bala tenía una punta hueca especialmente dañina. | The bullet was a particularly nasty form of, of hollow point. |
point | Me llevaron a punta de pistola. | I was taken at the point of a gun. |
point | Prefiero sacarla a punta de pistola. | I'd rather have her put off at the point of a gun. |
point | Me obligaron a punta de pistola. | They forced me at the point of a gun. |
end | Uno gris con una punta naranja. | Yes! -It's sort of grey with an orange end. |
end | La punta de aquí coincide perfectamente. | This end here, it seems to match up perfectly. |
end | Hay zanahorias en la otra punta. | You know, there're some carrots down at the other end. |
end | Vosotros robáis cargamento a punta de espada. | You steal cargo at the end of a sword. |
end | Empecemos desde esa punta y volvamos. | Let's start from that end, work our way back. |
end | Empiezo por esa punta, muchachos. | I'll just start down this end, boys. |
end | Hubiese puesto algo pegajoso en la punta. | I would've put something sticky on the end. |