which | Lo cual entiendo completamente desde su perspectiva. | I mean, which I totally get, from her perspective. |
which | Vamos comprometido o casado, No importa cual. | Let's get engaged or married, it doesn't matter which. |
which | Lo cual me recuerda a mi padre. | I thought it was a dead rat - which reminds me of my father. |
which | Desafortunadamente, concedimos un penal con el cual anotaron. | Unfortunately, we gave away a penalty from which they scored. |
which | Estoy intentando decidir a cual estudiante matar. | I am trying to decide which student to kill. |
which | Piensa de cual Brady quieres comer. | Think of which brady you want to eat off of. |
which | Tenemos que escoger cual batalla perder. | We have to agree which battle to lose. |
that | Normalmente aparecen interconectados lo cual los refuerza entre ellos. | Often they are seen as interconnected occurrences that reinforce each other. |
what | No se cual es el problema. | (engine sputters) I don't know what the trouble is. |
what | Pregúntale cual es el numero telefónico. | Ask him what the phone number is, Dad. |
what | Sólo tenemos que averiguar cual es. | We just need to find out what it is. |
whom | El hombre con el cual discutiste es tu nuevo jefe. | The man with whom you had an argument is your new boss. |
as | Los niños estaban silenciosos cual ratones. | The children were as quiet as mice. |
therefore | Ayer hubo un accidente en la fábrica, a causa de lo cual esta permanecerá cerrada mientras se llevan a cabo las investigaciones. | There was an accident at the factory yesterday, therefore, it will remain closed until inquiries have been carried out. |
all equally [+adjective] | Había árboles a cuál más alto en el bosque; creo que eran secuoyas. | The trees in the forest were all equally tall; I think they were redwoods. |
through which | Interceptamos una llamada a través de la cual se filtraron varios datos comprometedores. A esta tabla le haremos unos hoyos a través de los cuales pasaremos la soga para armar el columpio. | We intercepted a call, through which a lot of compromising data was leaked. In this board we will make some holes, through which we will pass the rope to make the swing. |
to which | El público al cual se orienta no se siente representado. | The public to which they are oriented does not feel represented. |
with the result | A los jóvenes ya no les interesa tener casa propia, con lo cual ha disminuido la tendencia a adquirir deudas. | Youth aren't interested in having their own house anymore, with the result that the tendency to acquire debts has decreased. |
of which | Fue un libro del cual todos estamos orgullosos. | It was a book of which we are all proud. |
having said that | Dicho lo cual procederemos con la conferencia. | Having said that, we proceeded with the conference. |
therefore | El acusado había cometido estafas y se había involucrado en varias peleas, por todo lo cual el juez decidió condenarlo a un año de prisión. | The accused had run scams and had gotten caught up in several fights, therefore, the judge decided to sentence him to a year in prison. |
whatever it is | Sea cual sea el resultado, estamos contentos de haber participado. | Whatever the result is, we are happy to have taken part. |
according to which | El argumento, según el cual todos somos animales, no es válido para esta teoría. | The argument, according to which we are all animals, doesn't fit with this theory. |
just as, just like | La secretaria preparó todo para la reunión tal cual se lo ordenó su jefe. | The secretary prepared everything for the meeting, just as her boss had told her to. |
in the same condition | Te presto mi auto pero tienes que devolvérmelo tal cual: en perfecto estado. | I'll lend you my car, but you have to return it to me in the same condition it is now. |
two peas in a pod, two of a kind | Ana y Juan son tal para cual; los dos son igual de despistados. | Ana and Juan are two of a kind; they're both scatterbrained. |