cut | Muero por dejar esta cama y cortar. | I mean, I'm dying to get out of this bed and cut. |
cut | Baby Teeth logró cortar la electricidad. | Baby Teeth got to the breaker and cut the juice. |
cut | Tendremos que cortar los cables individualmente. | We'll have to cut the wires individually. |
cut | O simplemente podría cortar tu garganta. | I - or I could just cut your throat. |
cut | DWP está listo para cortar la energía. | (phone beeps) DWP's ready to cut the power. |
cut | Hay que cortar a la Séptima. | We'll never get a cab. Let's cut to Seventh. |
cut | Intentó cortar hielo con una motosierra. | Genius tried to cut ice with a chainsaw. |
cut | Decidimos cortar todo contacto con Fay. | We decided to cut all contact with Fay. |
cut | Debemos cortar algo para las noticias... sacarlo inmediatamente. | We should cut something for the news... get it out immediately. |
cut | He terminado de cortar la introducción. | I've finished the rough cut of the documentary intro. |
cut | Vamos, tenemos mucha carne que cortar. | Let's go, we've got a lot of meat to cut. |
cut | O quizás decidió que quería cortar. | Or maybe he decided he wanted a cut. |
cut | Tienes que cortar cerca del hueso. | You need to cut closer to the bone. |
cut | Creo que debemos cortar las pérdidas. | I think we should just cut our losses. |
cut | Estoy listo para cortar cabello hoy. | So I am ready to cut hair today. |
cut | Ahora te vamos a cortar en pedacitos. | We'll cut you up so small the worms won't have to chew. |
cut off | Quizás debería cortar mi coleta principesca. | Perhaps I should cut off my prince's lock. |
cut off | Sería una pena cortar estos hermosos tallos largos. | It'd be such a shame to cut off these beautiful long stems. |
chop | Rory va a dejarme cortar algo. | Rory's going to let me chop something. |
cut | Corta un trozo de queso con el cuchillo. | Cut a piece of cheese with your knife. |
cut | Un clavo que sobresalía de una pared me cortó el brazo. | A nail sticking out of a wall cut my arm. |
cut off, shut off | Mañana cortarán la luz en toda la zona. | They're shutting off the electricity throughout the area tomorrow. |
cut, dilute | El traficante cortaba la cocaína con aspirina en polvo. | The dealer used to cut the cocaine with powdered aspirin. |
cut off | Tras el accidente le cortaron la pierna. | After the accident they cut off her leg. |
turn off the tap | Después de ese negocio que salió mal los inversionistas cerraron el grifo. | After that deal that went poorly, investors turned off the tap. |
get rid of | La empresa tuvo que cortar cabezas para no declararse en bancarrota. | The company had to get rid of employees to avoid declaring bankruptcy. |
decapitate | En la Antigüedad una de las penas era cortar cabezas. | In Antiquity, one punishment was to decapitate. |
cut with [sth] | Pablo cortó papas con un cuchillo. | Pablo cut potatoes with a knife. |
break up with [sb] | María cortó con su novio después de 5 años. | Maria broke up with her boyfriend after 5 years. |
cut off contact | Cortamos el contacto cuando yo me fui a vivir al extranjero. | We cut off contact when I went to live abroad. |
cut the cord | Ya tienes 30 años, es hora de cortar el cordón umbilical e irte a vivir solo. | You are already 30; it is time to cut the cord and leave to live alone. |
cut [sb]'s hair | El peluquero le cortó el pelo a la señora. | The hairdresser cut the lady's hair. |
dice | Para hacer el guiso debes cortar en dados toda la carne. | When making stew, you should dice all of the meat. |
cut in julienne strips | Corta la zanahoria en juliana. | Cut the carrot in julienne strips. |
cut the deck | Debes cortar la baraja antes de repartir las cartas. | You need to cut the deck before dealing. |
cut off circulation, cut off the flow | Las medias apretadas cortan la circulación. | Tight stockings cut off circulation. |
cut the electricity, cut the power, shut off the electricity, shut off the power | Es necesario cortar la electricidad antes de hacer un arreglo. | It is necessary to cut the electricity before making repairs. |
kill your inspiration, kill your momentum | Un fuerte golpe en la puerta cortó la inspiración del escritor. | The knock at the door killed the writer's inspiration. |
kill the moment, ruin the moment | Tantas llamadas telefónicas cortaron la inspiración durante la cena romántica. | All the phone calls killed the moment during the romantic dinner. |
drop a call | La tormenta cortó la llamada y no escuché lo que dijiste. | The storm dropped the call and I did not hear what you said. |
hang up | Juan cortó la llamada enojado. | Juan hung up angrily. |
make a clean break | Pedro y Mariana cortaron por lo sano antes de hacerse más daño. | Pedro and Mariana made a clean break before causing themselves more pain. |
cut your losses, take extreme measures | La empresa cortó por lo sano y dejó de negociar con esa gente. | The business cut its losses and abandoned negotiations with those people. |
have things to say | Te pongo otro café, que todavía hay tela que cortar. | I'll get you more coffee, because I still have things to say. |