whose | Hay derechos humanos básicos cuyo ejercicio depende intrínsecamente de las condiciones medioambientales. | There were basic human rights whose enjoyment depended to a large extent on environmental conditions. |
whose | Al hombre por cuyo asesinato serás arrestado mañana. | The man for whose murder you'll be arrested tomorrow. |
whose | Hay especies cuyo único propósito es reproducirse. | There are some species whose sole purpose is to reproduce. |
whose | Pero anhelaba alguien cuyo corazón estuviera endurecido como el suyo. | But now he just longed for someone whose heart was as hardened as his was. |
whose | Brindo por Henrietta, cuyo espíritu sigue bien vivo. | Well, here's to Henrietta, whose spirit is very much alive. |
whose | Ahora eres alguien cuyo secuestro... sería notado. | You're now someone whose abduction... would be noticed. |
whose | Alguien cuyo testimonio afecte a Parma. | Someone whose testimony could shake Parma up good. |
whose | Conozco alguien cuyo problema podría crear una barrera así. | There's only one person I know whose trouble could create a barrier like that. |
whose | Tengo una cliente cuyo anonimato respeto... | I have a client whose anonymity I respect... |
whose | Hay una pobre y desdichada mujer cuyo esposo estuvo amenazándola. | There's some poor unfortunate woman whose husband has been threatening her. |
whose | Tengo una amiga cuyo esposo la golpea. | I have a friend whose husband beats her up. |
whose | Tuve una doncella cuyo marido era jardinero. | I hired a maid once whose husband was a gardener. |
whose | Próximamente, Encontramos cuyo coche Cuesta lo más efectivo. | Coming up, we find out whose car sells for the most cash. |
whose | Estamos buscando un edificio cuyo exterior luzca exactamente así. | We're looking for a building whose exterior looks exactly like this. |
whose | Una santa cuyo único deseo era quererme. | A saint whose only desire was to love me. |
whose | Soy la chica cuyo collar robaste. | I'm the girl whose necklace you stole. |
whose | Seleccione las celdas cuyo texto desee rodar. | Select the cells whose text you want to rotate. |
whose | Tengo una amiga cuyo padre era alcohólico. | I have a friend whose father was an alcoholic. |
which | Región cuyo clima es relativamente uniforme, según criterios específicos. | Region in which there is a relatively uniform climate, according to specific criteria. |
which | Quizás algún día haga las paces con el mundo terrenal, cuando todos los ideales, cuyo fuego, cuyo fuego sagrado me esmero en alimentar, se hayan destruido. | Perhaps I'll make my peace with the world when all of my ideals, when their sacred fire which l carefully feed, has perished. |
whose | Este es el caserón de cuyo dueño conversábamos más temprano. La compañía, cuya gerencia quedó a cargo de mi hermano, se ubica entre las tres primeras de la región. | This is the house whose owner we were talking about earlier. |
whose | Lo interrogaron acerca de ciertos documentos confidenciales por cuya divulgación se le había responsabilizado. | The police have been questioning the suspect, whose house was searched yesterday evening. |