reason | Bueno, mayor razón para seguir investigando. | Well, all the more reason to go deep. |
reason | No hay razón para ser pesimista. | There's no reason to be peter pessimist. |
reason | Tenía una razón para hacerlo con Brychová. | With Brychová he kind of had a reason to do it. |
reason | Porque la razón está sentada aquí. | 'Cause the reason is sitting right here. |
reason | Buena razón pero tendrás que obtenerlo de otra persona. | Another good reason... but you'll have to get it from somebody else. |
right | Solo está siendo quisquilloso porque tenía razón sobre el compromiso. | He's just being testy because I was right about direct engagement. |
right | Tienes razón, porque la conversación acabó. | No, you're right, because this conversation is over. |
right | Tuviste razón en sospechar, Edna. | You were right to be suspicious, Edna. |
right | Tenía razón, Muoi tiene contactos. | You were right about Muoi. He does have connections. |
right | Solo digo, quizás temgas razón. | I just said, maybe, you're right. |
right | Porque creo que quizás tenías razón antes. | Because I think you may have been right before. |
right | Tiene razón, no soy mujer. | He's right, I'm not a woman. |
right | Tenías razón para sospechar, Camille. | You were right to be suspicious, Camille. |
right | Tienes razón, debería quedarme con algo seguro. | You're right, I should just... go with something safe. |
right | Dagless tenía razón sobre quemar a Renwick. | SIRENS WAIL (Reed) Dagless was right about burning Renwick. |
right | Al principio sospechaba pero tenías razón. | He was quite suspicious at first, but you were right. |
right | Tenías mucha razón en abrir aquí. | You were totally right about opening this up. |
right | Aunque tenías razón sobre una cosa. | You were right about one thing, though. |
right | Aunque tenga razón, necesito un testigo. | But even if you're right, I still need a witness to the shooting. |
point | Tiene razón sobre estabilizar la columna con espuma. | He does have a point about stabilizing the spine with foam. |
reason | Juan desconoce la razón por la que le han despedido. | John doesn't know the reason why they fired him. |
reason, reasoning | Mucha gente prefiere obedecer los mandatos del corazón y no los de la razón. | Many people prefer to follow their heart instead of using reason. |
ratio | Esta fórmula nos permitirá hallar la razón entre ambas magnitudes. | This formula allows us to determine the ratio between the two magnitudes. |
go against reason | La medida atropella la razón y el pueblo no lo tolerará. | The measure goes against reason and the people will not put up with it. |
all the more reason | Si existe una amenaza de epidemia, con mayor razón habría que implementar medidas preventivas. | A threat of an epidemic exists, all the more reason to implement preventative measures. |
with good reason | Con razón te pusiste a gritar, yo también lo habría hecho. | You screamed with good reason, I would have done the same. |
agree with | Mi papá es muy terco, es mejor darle la razón que discutir con él. | My father is very stubborn, it is better to agree with him than to argue with him. |
admit that [sb] is right | Yo le doy la razón de que esté tan enojado, lo que le hicieron no tiene nombre. | I admit that he is right to be so mad; what they did to him is unspeakable. |
as far back as I can remember | Me gusta el deporte desde que tengo uso de razón. | As far back as I can remember, I have liked the sport. |
due to | El alcalde tomó medidas preventivas en razón del fuerte invierno. | The mayor took preventative measures due to the harsh winter. |
come to [sb]'s senses | Está actuando muy extraño, no sé cómo puedo hacerle entrar en razón. | He's acting very strange; I don't know how to make him come to his senses. |
be right | Martín siempre cree que lleva razón, pero no siempre la lleva. | Martin always thinks that he's right, but it's not always the case. |
bereft of reason | El abuelo de Carlos está privado de razón. | Carlos' grandfather is bereft of reason. |
contradict | María le quitó la razón a su esposo y la discusión fue cada vez peor. | Maria contradicted her husband and the argument became even more heated. |
raison d'être | Mis hijos son mi razón de ser: haría cualquier cosa por ellos. | My children are my raison d'être; I would do anything for them. |
registered name | En la reunión de hoy, los socios elegirán una razón social para la compañía. | In today's meeting, partners will decide on a registered name for the company. |
for no reason | Julieta se enojó sin razón con su hermana. | Juliette was mad at her sister for no reason. |
be right | Él tenía razón y yo estaba equivocado. | He was right and I was wrong. |
acknowledge | Anótese, tómese razón y comuníquese. | Note down, acknowledge, and communicate. |
use of reason | Antes de tener uso de razón, los niños dependen completamente de sus padres. | Before having the use of reason, children depend completely on their parents. |