way | Pregunta si hay alguna manera de vigilar esas instituciones. | He asked whether there was any way of monitoring such institutions. |
way | Chile siempre estará dispuesto a compartir sus experiencias de manera constructiva. | Chile would always be ready to share its experience in a constructive way. |
way | Sólo hay una manera de proceder. | There's only one way to approach her. |
way | No había otra manera de conquistarte. | There was no other way I could have got you. |
way | Encontraré otra manera de ayudar al Reich. | I'll find another way to do my part for the reich. |
way | Llevarán esto de manera apropiada y legal. | They will deal with this in the proper, legal way. |
way | Quizás seremos felices juntos... de una manera extraña. | Perhaps we will be happy together... in a funny kind of way. |
way | Estoy buscando una manera de ignorar saberlo. | I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to avoid knowing. |
way | Enséñales que hay una manera mejor. | You have to show them there's a better way. |
way | Entonces encontraremos una manera diferente de salvarte. | Then we'll find a different way to save you. |
way | Quiere encontrar una manera de acabarlo. | He's looking for any way to end this. |
way | Desearía que hubiera alguna manera de compensarlo. | I wish there was some way I could make it up to him. |
way | Estuve pensando una manera de decírtelo. | I've been trying to think of a way to tell you. |
way | No hay manera estamos recibiendo un camión. | There's no way we're getting a truck. |
way | Eselúnico manera de eliminar su control. | It is the only way to remove their control. |
way | Qué manera tan interesante de verlo. | What an interesting way to look at it. |
manner | No se supervisa la sostenibilidad de manera sistemática. | The monitoring of sustainability is not being undertaken in a systematic manner. |
manner | Esos dos aspectos deben abordarse de manera equilibrada. | Those two aspects should be addressed in a balanced manner. |
manner | El registro deberá efectuarse de manera respetuosa. | The search should be conducted in a respectable manner. |
fashion | Ha interrumpido mi primera reunión de manera inaceptable. | You have just disrupted my first team meeting in an unacceptable fashion. |
way | Ana está buscando la manera de quitarle la mancha al vestido. | Ana is looking for a way to get the stain out of the dress. |
somehow | De alguna forma, es correcto decir eso. | Somehow, it is correct to say that. |
somehow | De alguna manera podré trepar al árbol. | Somehow I will be able to climb the tree. |
somehow | De cierta manera lograron encontrarse. | Somehow they managed to find one another. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierta manera creo que tienes razón. | I think you are right, in a sense. |
somehow | Lograré encontrarte de cierto modo, aunque tarde toda la vida. | I will find you, somehow, even if it takes my whole life. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierto modo, tu madre tiene razón. | In a sense, your mother is right. |
any which way, any old way | Juan no tiene buenas notas porque hace los deberes de cualquier manera. | Juan doesn't get good grades because he does his homework any which way. |
that way | Juan compartió el pastel, de esa manera todos pudieron comer. | Juan shared the cake; that way they could all have some. |
that way, like that | Martín dijo que de ese modo sería mejor. | Martin said that it would be better that way. |
in this way, in a certain way, in a specific way | Para que la receta quede bien, tienes que mezclar los ingredientes de esta manera. | For the recipe to turn out well, you have to mix the ingredients in this way. |
in the same way | La ley funciona de igual manera para todos los habitantes del país. | The law functions in the same way for all citizens. |
as much as | Tratemos de convivir de la mejor manera posible. | Let's try to get on as much as possible. |
in the same way | Marta quiere a sus hijos de la misma manera. | Marta loves all her children in the same way. |
badly, rudely | El jefe siempre nos habla de mala manera. | The manager always speaks badly to us. |
timely | Malena siempre aparece de manera oportuna. | Malena always arrives in a timely manner. |
so | Voy a ayudarte con tus tareas de manera que puedas irte a jugar con tus amigos. | I'll help you with your chores so you can go play with your friends. |
so that | Ahorra dinero de manera tal que puedas pagar tus deudas. | Save money so that you can pay your debts. |
so that | Nunca contestó sus cartas, de manera tal que pensó que la había olvidado. | She never responded to his letters, so that he thought that she had forgotten about him. |
no way | De ninguna manera irás a esa fiesta. | There is no way you're going to that party. |
in another way | Siempre me ato los cordones así porque no sé hacerlo de otra manera. | I always tie my shoelaces that way because I don't know how to do it in another way. |
so that | Tienes que atar las cajas de tal manera que no se caigan. | You have to tie the boxes together so that they don't fall. |
in a way | Escribe de una manera ininteligible. | She writes in an intelligible way. |
one way or another | De una u otra forma tenemos que conseguir esa nota. | One way or another, we have to get that grade. |
in a way | Marta es la tutora de Miguel pero, en cierta manera, es como si fuera su madre. | Marta is Miguel's tutor, but, in a way, it is as if she were his mother. |
very much | Luis siempre ha querido a Marta en gran manera. | Luis has always loved Marta very much. |
find a way of | El gato encontró la forma de abrir la alacena para robar comida. | The cat found a way of opening the pantry to steal food. |
the way [sb] dresses, how [sb] dresses | La forma de vestir dice mucho de la gente. | The way you dress (or: How you dress) says a lot about you. |
way of being | Es mi manera de ser y no pienso cambiar. | That's just my way of being and I'm not going to change. |
live life your own way, live your life your way | Tienes que vivir la vida a tu manera; no puedes dejar que tus padres decidan por ti. | You have to live your life your own way: you can't let your parents decide for you. |
And how! | Ya lo creo que lo dijo, y de qué manera. | Charles told the boss off. And how! |