important | Es importante, agradecería su cooperación. | It's important, sir. I'd appreciate your cooperation. |
important | Es asimismo una importante base para elaborar medidas de prevención. | It also establishes an important basis for the development of preventive measures. |
important | Es importante que este proceso cobre mayor fuerza. | It is important for this process to gain further traction. |
important | La Junta Ejecutiva reafirmó ese importante principio en su decisión 2013/9. | That important principle was reaffirmed by the Executive Board in its decision 2013/9. |
important | Ahora es importante avanzar en esos compromisos. | It is important now to move forward on these commitments. |
important | También es importante integrar armoniosamente las diversas tecnologías. | It is also important to integrate various technologies in harmony. |
important | La Fiscalía celebra este importante avance. | The Office of the Prosecutor welcomes this important development. |
important | Es importante mantener un enfoque dinámico. | It is important to keep an approach dynamic. |
important | Es importante destacar que todos están interrelacionados. | It is important to note that they are interrelated. |
important | Agradezco profundamente su oportuna iniciativa de convocar esta importante reunión. | His initiative to summon this important gathering is timely and greatly appreciated. |
important | México participará de manera comprometida y constructiva en este importante ejercicio. | Mexico will participate in a committed and constructive fashion in this important exercise. |
important | Es particularmente importante referirnos al acceso universal a la terapia antirretroviral. | It is particularly important that we refer to universal access to antiretroviral therapy. |
important | Este también es un cambio importante. | That, too, is an important change. |
important | Otros ministerios y organismos también desempeñan una función importante. | In addition, other ministries and agencies also have an important role to play. |
important | Creo que es importante abordar estas cuestiones reales. | I think that it is important to address these real questions. |
important | Es importante crear un foro transnacional sobre biotecnologías. | It is important to create a transnational forum for biotechnologies. |
important | La oradora creía importante subrayar la magnitud del problema. | She considered that it was important to stress the magnitude of the problem. |
major | Elganadorde estedesafío recibirán una ventaja importante enlasiguienteronda. | The winner of this challenge will receive a major advantage in the next round. |
major | Es preciso corregir una discrepancia importante. | A major discrepancy needed to be put right. |
significant | Era importante entonces y sigue siendo extremadamente importante hoy. | That was significant then, and it continues to be extremely significant today. |
important | Llevar una vida sana es importante para la salud. | Living a healthy lifestyle is important to your health. |
important, influential | Es una persona muy importante. | He is a very important person. |