death | Resultaba preocupante que siguiera aplicándose la pena de muerte. | Japan's continued implementation of the death penalty remained a concern. |
death | Estabas dormido y su muerte te despertó. | You were sleeping and his death woke you up. |
death | Yo estaban contigo hasta la increíblemente doloroso muerte. | I was with you until the incredibly painful death part. |
death | Si no contestas, pronto encontrarás la muerte. | If you don't reply, you will soon meet your death. |
death | Juramos defender al emperador hasta la muerte. | We swore to defend the emperor ties the death. |
death | Escribí sobre la muerte de los pantanos. | Wrote a column about the death of the Everglades. |
death | Nos ofrece dos tipos de muerte. | He offers us a choice of two kinds of death. |
death | Verá, estoy investigando su muerte. | You see, I'm looking into his death. |
death | Si fracasas, entonces tendrás una muerte fácil. | If you fail, well then you'll die an easy death. |
death | Blanquearé la ciudad, muerte silenciosa. | Blanketing the city in white, silent death. |
death | Jennifer nos está demandando por muerte negligente. | Ehm, Jennifer's suing us for wrongful death. |
death | Explíquenos sus decisiones hasta la muerte de Buckley. | Talk us through your decision-making up to Buckley's death. |
death | No pareció tan difícil condenarme a muerte. | It didn't look too terribly difficult condemning me to death. |
death | Investigamos la muerte de Jeanette Hudson. | We are looking into the death of Jeanette Hudson. |
death | O serás testigo de su muerte. | Bring forth a tear... or witness the death of this poor soul. |
death | Juntos hemos atravesado muerte y vida. | Yes. We've been through death and life together. |
death | He pagado para enriquecerme con vuestra muerte. | I paid it so that I could profiýt from your death. |
death | Estoy investigando la muerte de una joven estudiante... | I'm here investigating the death of a young student... |
dead | Tuvo muerte encefálica durante unos segundos por sobredosis. | Apparently, he was clinically dead for several seconds when he OD'd. |
killing | No perdonarán la muerte de su señor. | They won't forgive the killing of their lord. |
death | La muerte de la tía fue muy repentina. | The death of the aunt was very sudden. |
destruction, ruin | El granizo supuso la muerte de la cosecha. | The hail was the ruin of the harvest. |