different | Hoy se está comportando completamente diferente. | She's getting a completely different type of a fit today. |
different | Quizás necesita encontrar una maestra diferente. | Well, maybe you need to find yourself a different teacher. |
different | El funcionario temporario involucrado fue trasladado a una tarea diferente. | The temporary staff member in concern was transferred to a different task. |
different | Quisiera adoptar un enfoque ligeramente diferente al formular mi declaración. | I would like to take a slightly different approach to making my statement. |
different | Entonces la cuestión sería totalmente diferente. | Then it would become a totally different issue. |
different | Esperaba una respuesta diferente por su parte. | I would have expected a different response from you. |
different | Y allí la historia es totalmente diferente. | And there's the story we find is totally different. |
different | Pero tenía en mente algo diferente. | But I just had in mind something different. |
different | Pero hay algo diferente del libro. | But there's something different from the book. |
different | A veces realmente quiero ser diferente. | I really would like to be different sometimes. |
different | Era una mujer diferente cuando empecé a hacerlos. | I was a different woman when I started making these. |
different | Será diferente cuando este globo explote. | MATHIAS: It'll be different when the balloon goes up. |
different | Parece un perro diferente cuando estás cerca. | He's like a different dog with you around. |
different | Cree que llevaba una chaqueta diferente. | You think he was wearing a different jacket. |
different | Será diferente cuando salga de su luto. | She'll be different when she comes out of the grief. |
different | No necesito decirles que este caso es diferente. | Now, I don't need to tell you that this one is different, people. |
different | Tengo un destino diferente para ti. | Well, I've got a different destiny for you. |
different | Es diferente cuando viene de Mia. | It's different when it comes to Mia. |
different | Hablas diferente de como yo hablo. | You're talking different from how I talk. |
different | Es lo mismo con diferente forma. | It's the same thing in different forms. |
different | Todas las tazas son del mismo juego, pero esa es diferente. | All the cups are part of a set, but this one is different. |
different | Tomás usa un traje diferente todos los días. | Tomás wears a different suit every day. |
strange, odd, weird | Es un chico diferente y siempre ha tenido problemas de relación. | He's an odd boy and has always had relationship problems. |
differently | Con esos zapatos caminas diferente. | You walk differently in those shoes. |