deep | Tus dedos no entran muy profundo. | Your fingers didn't go quite as deep. |
deep | Soñé que despertaba de un profundo sueño. | I dreamt that I woke from a deep slumber. |
deep | Hazlo horizontalmente, tan profundo como puedas. | Do it horizontally, as deep as you can. |
deep | Tengo un profundo respeto por Abraham Lincoln. | I have such a deep respect for Abraham Lincoln. |
deep | Después quedará sumido en un profundo sueño. | Then you will go into a deep, refreshing slumber. |
deep | Estás cavando profundo, oficial Bacherlor. | You're digging in deep, officer bachelor. |
deep | Nadie puede predecir todavía cuán profundo resultará el cambio. | No one is yet able to reliably predict how deep the change will turn out to be. |
deep | Durante mi examen ocular vi este corte profundo. | During my on-sight examination, I noticed this deep laceration. |
deep | Es un examen profundo del cerebro. | It is a deep examination of the brain. |
deep | Respira profundo Tiffy, déjanos entrar. | Breathe deep. Tiffy, let us in. |
deep | Hay tres plataformas especializadas en taladrado profundo. | Three platforms are now in place, specialized in deep drilling. |
deep | Es muy profundo, Primer Ministro. | It's very deep there, Prime Minister. |
deep | Entiendo que este temblor fue profundo. | I understand that this quake may have been deep. |
deep | Me jugaban profundo, necesitábamos ese tanto. | They were playing me deep and we really needed that run. |
deep | Entremos tan profundo que apenas podamos regresar. | Let's dive down so deep that we can only just make it back up. |
deep | Revela su profundo amor por la fallecida. | It speaks of your deep feeling for the deceased. |
profound | Desperté con un profundo e indescriptible sentimiento. | I woke up with a profound and indescribable feeling... |
profound | Todos piensan que hiciste algo profundo. | Everyone here thinks what you've done is profound. |
deeper | Entonces tendré que hacer un profundo interrogatorio. | Then I'll have to make a deeper inquiry. |
deeper | Está muy profundo y no podemos bajarlo. | If you put the cartridge deeper, then the cord is not even enough. |
deep | Cayó en un profundo hoyo y se rompió las piernas. | He fell in a deep hole and broke his legs. |
profound, deep | Le tengo un profundo respeto. | I have a profound (or: deep) respect for him. |
serious mistake, profound mistake | Un profundo error le costó su trabajo al entrenador del equipo. | A serious mistake cost the trainer of the team his job. |