discover | Debemos descubrir descubrir la identidad de este remanente. | We must now discover the identity of this remnant. |
discover | Hay mucha belleza... por descubrir aquí. | There's so much beauty... to discover here. |
discover | Imagínense nuestra determinación por descubrir los planes de Rommel. | Well, you can imagine our fierce determination to discover Rommel's plans. |
discover | Significa salir a descubrir nuevos lugares. | It means to wander around and discover new places. |
find out | Tenemos que descubrir cómo se mantienen indetectables. | We've got to find out how they remain undetectable. |
find out | Tu misión era descubrir qué sucedió aquí. | Your mission was to find out what happened here. |
find out | Mona, tenemos que descubrir donde van. | Mona, we have to find out where they're going. |
find out | No puedo esperar para descubrir su misterio. | Can't wait to find out about your mystery. |
find out | Debemos continuar, descubrir en donde estamos. | We have to keep moving, find out where we are. |
find out | Tenía que saber que lograríamos descubrir a Sabrina. | You had to have known that we might find out about Sabrina. |
find out | Vive entrometiéndose, espiando, intentando descubrir algo. | She is always prying, peering, trying to find out something. |
find out | Somos detectives, estamos intentando descubrir qué ocurrió. | We're Detectives and we're trying to find out what happened. |
find out | Necesitamos saber dónde las compraste para descubrir qué contenían. | We need to know where you bought it so we can find out what was in it. |
find out | Primero deberíamos descubrir de dónde viene esta tecnología. | First thing we should do is find out the source of this technology. |
figure out | No puedo descubrir hacia donde fue. | I can't figure out where he went next. |
figure out | Sólo intento descubrir que está pasando. | I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. |
figure out | No tengo nada que necesite descubrir. | I don't have anything I need to figure out. |
figure out | Estamos aquí para descubrir qué ocurrió. | We're here to figure out what happened. |
figure out | Bueno, sigo intentando descubrir quién soy. | Well, I'm still trying to figure out who I am. |
discover | Nicolás Copérnico descubrió que la Tierra giraba alrededor del Sol. | Copernicus discovered that Earth orbited the Sun. |
find out | El detective descubre al asesino al final de la novela. | The detective finds out who the killer is at the end of the novel. |
uncover | Se me olvidó descubrir la olla y me manchó la cocina al hervir. | I forgot to uncover the pot, and the stove got stained when it boiled over. |