desire | Mi deseo es promover sus intereses tanto como pueda. | It's my desire as much as I can to promote their interests. |
desire | Tengo un deseo egoísta de servirles. | I have a selfish desire to serve you. |
desire | Mi deseo hacia ella comenzaba a debilitarse. | As it was, my desire for her had begun to wane. |
desire | Queremos contratarte y creemos que este dinero expresa ese deseo. | We want you badly and we think that this amount of money expresses that desire. |
desire | Creemos que sufre un trastorno psicológico raro llamado deseo paternal. | We think he suffers from a rare psychological disorder called paternal desire. |
desire | Quizás requiere deseo, un deseo obsesivo. | Perhaps it takes desire - an obsessive desire. |
desire | Literalmente define un deseo inconsciente o deseo reprimido. | Literally defined as an unconscious wish or subdued desire. |
desire | También es cierto que necesitamos deseo positivo como parte de nuestra motivación; sin deseo no hay movimiento, pero el deseo combinado con ignorancia es peligroso. | Now it is true that we need positive desire as part of our motivation - without desire there's no movement. But desire combined with ignorance is dangerous. |
wish | No deseo que venga, Robert. | L don't wish that he's coming, Robert. |
wish | Tengo un recuerdo que deseo devolverle. | I have a remembrance I wish to return to you. |
wish | Por fin tendrás cumplido tu deseo, querida. | (MRS. WlLDER GASPING) You have your wish at last, my Darling. |
wish | Y creo que cumplirán su deseo, Charlie. | Well, I think they, re all going to get their wish, Charlie. |
wish | Ese hubiera sido el último deseo... | That would have been the dearest wish of... |
wish | Para terminar, le deseo lo mejor este año nuevo y deseo que podamos verla en Inglaterra algún día. | I will close this with all good wishes for the new year and a wish that we may see you in England one of these days. |
wish | Literalmente define un deseo inconsciente o deseo reprimido. | Literally defined as an unconscious wish or subdued desire. |
wish | De acuerdo, pedir un deseo, un deseo, un deseo. | Okay, make a wish, make a wish, make a wish. |
wish | No deseo abundar sobre esta cuestión. | I do not wish to dwell on this question. |
sentiment | Varias delegaciones expresaron el mismo deseo. | The same sentiment was echoed by several other delegations. |
wish | Espero que se cumpla tu deseo de ser cantante. | I hope your wish of becoming a singer comes true. |
desire | La miró con ojos llenos de deseo. | He looked at her with his eyes full of desire. |