destination | Llegará a su destino en 45 minutos. | You will arrive at your destination in 45 minutes. |
destination | Entonces tienes dirección, pero no... destino. | So you have a direction, but no... destination. |
fate | Esencialmente, todos compartimos un mismo destino. | In essence, we all share a common fate. |
fate | Sabrías que habrías encontrado tu destino. | Then you would've known you'd met your fate. |
fate | Estábamos todos preocupados por el destino de los astronautas. | We were all wrapped up with the fate of the astronauts. |
fate | Me llevó muchos años aceptar mi destino. | It has taken me a long time to accept my fate. |
fate | Decidiré tu destino por la mañana. | I'll decide your fate in the morning. |
fate | CONTINUARÁ Sentí algo parecido al destino. | TO BE CONTINUED I felt something akin to fate. |
fate | Estamos hablando el destino del mundo. | We're talking about the fate of the world here. |
fate | Llámalo destino, pero esa noche nos enamoramos. | Call it fate, but that night, we fell in love. |
fate | El está a cargo de nuestro destino colectivo. | This is the man who's in charge Of our collective fate, Our creative destiny. |
destiny | Porque es nuestro destino estar aquí juntos. | For it's our destiny to be here together. |
destiny | Tengo un destino diferente para ti. | Well, I've got a different destiny for you. |
destiny | Bebo mientras espero por mi destino. | I drink while I'm waiting for my destiny. |
destiny | Admitió que no quería perseguir su destino. | He's admitted he doesn't want to pursue his destiny. |
destiny | Beban del cáliz y conozcan su destino. | Drink from the chalice, and meet your destiny. |
destiny | Era sólo nuestro destino estar juntos. | It was just our destiny to be together. |
destiny | Cuando nos mataste, cumpliste nuestro destino. | When you killed us, you fulfilled our destiny. |
destiny | Jake, déjame mostrarte nuestro destino. | Well, Jake, let me show you our destiny. |
destiny | Tendrá otro destino junto a nosotros. | She'll have a new destiny with us. |
destination | A las 9:00 horas sale el autobús con destino a Guadalajara. | The bus with a final destination of Guadalajara leaves at 09:00. |
destiny, fate | El destino decidió que Romeo conociera a Julieta. | Fate determined that Romeo would meet Juliet. |
architect of your own destiny | Cada uno es arquitecto de su propio destino. | Each person is the architect of their own destiny. |
fate | Son los azares del destino y debemos entregarnos a lo que la vida decide. | It's fate and we should surrender to what life has in store for us. |
destination folder | Guarda el archivo en la carpeta de destino que prefieras. | Save the file in the destination folder of your choosing. |
headed for, bound for | El vuelo con destino a la Patagonia fue cancelado. | The flight headed for Patagonia was cancelled. |
as fate would have it | Pablo y Juan se encontraron en Roma por esas cosas del destino y hoy son amigos inseparables. | As fate would have it, Paul and John met in Rome and now they're inseparable friends. |
believe in fate | No sé tú pero yo creo en el destino y pienso que esto que te pasa no es casualidad. | I don't know about you but I believe in fate and I think that that this is not happening to you out of chance. |
final destination | París es el destino final de nuestro viaje. | Paris is the final destination on our trip. |
tourist destination | Londres es un destino turístico en Europa. | London is a tourist destination in Europe. |