document | Cabe señalar que también se ha reordenado el documento. | It should be noted that there has also been some reordering of the document. |
document | Dichas actividades se describen en el documento UNEP/CHW/OEWG/4/INF/11. | Theose activities are described in document UNEP/CHW/OEWG/4/INF/11 made available to the present session of the Working Group. |
document | En el documento SPLOS/123 se propusieron tres firmas internacionales. | Three international firms had been proposed by the Tribunal in document SPLOS/123. |
document | Posteriormente se trabajará un documento específico para mujeres. | At a later date a specific document for women will be issued. |
document | Recabamos apoyo para este constructivo documento. | We appeal for support for that constructive document. |
document | No decimos tener un documento perfecto. | We do not claim to have made a perfect document. |
document | Oportunamente se presentará un documento revisado. | A revised document would be submitted in due course. |
document | Discúlpeme mientras voy a buscar un documento importante. | Forgive me while I go and get an important document. |
document | Había terminado de quemar todo documento del lugar. | He had just finished burning every document in the place. |
document | Esperamos que se siga examinando este documento. | We hope to continue further consideration of this document. |
document | Ese documento debe examinarse con carácter prioritario. | The document should be considered on a priority basis. |
document | Este capítulo debería redactarse siguiendo el texto del documento CEDAW/C/1994/7. | This chapter should be drafted in accordance with the text of document CEDAW/C/1994/7. |
document | Examinaremos los párrafos de ese documento en consecuencia. | We will deal with the paragraphs of this document accordingly. |
document | Firma el documento o vacía tu oficina. | Sign the document... or clean out your office. |
document | Ucrania está dispuesta a firmar ese importante documento. | Ukraine is ready to put its signature to such an important document. |
document | También debe cambiarse el formato del documento presupuestario. | The format of the budget document must also be changed. |
document | El documento esta en nuestra embajada. | The document is on file at our embassy. |
document | Podrían echarla por mentir en un documento oficial. | Well, she could be fired for lying on an official document. |
paper | Al final del documento se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones. | Conclusions and recommendations are offered at the end of this paper. |
paper | Sólo cuando firmó el documento dejaron de golpearle. | They stopped beating him only when he signed the paper. |
document | El acta de nacimiento es el documento más importante de una persona. | The birth certificate is a person's most important document. |
document | La reportera escribió un documento importante acerca de la trata de blancas. | The diary the soldier kept during the war is an important historical document. |
identification | Hoy fui al Registro Civil por mi DNI. | I went to the Civil Registry today to pick up my identification. |
identification | El policía pidió ver el documento de identidad del hombre. | The police asked to see the man's identification. |
documentary evidence | Este documento probatorio demuestra que la acusada pagó grandes sumas de dinero a la organización criminal. | This documentary evidence proves that the accused paid large sums of money to the criminal organization. |