task | Observamos que la tarea del facilitador no es fácil. | We note that the task of the facilitator is not an easy one. |
task | Era evidente que esta tarea sería difícil y controvertida. | That this would be a difficult and controversial task was obvious. |
task | El funcionario temporario involucrado fue trasladado a una tarea diferente. | The temporary staff member in concern was transferred to a different task. |
task | Nuestra tarea es adoptar medidas concretas para impulsar ese programa. | It is our task to undertake concrete measures to advance that agenda. |
task | Esa tarea le planteó muchos problemas. | He confronted many a challenge in that task. |
task | Consolidar los progresos realizados sigue constituyendo una tarea ardua. | Consolidating the progress that has been made remains an arduous task. |
task | Construir ese consenso es nuestra tarea común. | Building that consensus is our major, common task. |
task | No regatearemos esfuerzos en esta tarea. | We will spare no effort in that task. |
task | Quizás una palabra podría adjudicarnos la tarea. | Perhaps a word could lend our men to the task. |
task | Quería agradecerte adecuadamente... por esta tarea tan importante. | I wanted to properly thank you... for this very important task. |
task | Finalmente viene la tarea de ejecutar la política aprobada. | Finally, there is the task of executing the approved policy. |
task | Tengo una tarea importante para ti. | I've got an important task for you. |
task | Pero te lleva horas completar una tarea sencilla. | But it takes you hours to complete a simple task. |
task | Simplifico la tarea de empacar para nuestro viaje. | I'm simplifying the task of packing for our trip. |
work | Tenemos ante nosotros una gran tarea. | We have a great deal of work before us. |
work | Esa tarea se efectuará mediante trabajos por contrata. | The work is to be carried out using contractual labour. |
homework | No estoy pretendiendo hacer mi tarea. | I'm not pretending to do my homework. |
homework | Loretta, necesito que hagas tu tarea. | Loretta, I need you to start your homework. |
homework | Nos pusieron tarea para las vacaciones. | They gave us homework over the Christmas break. |
homework | No querríamos interferir con ninguna tarea. | We wouldn't want to interfere with any homework or anything. |
job | Los mineros hacen una tarea muy dura. | Miners have a hard job. |
homework | No hice la tarea de matemáticas. | I didn't do the maths homework. |