where | No podemos escoger dónde nacemos pero podemos elegir dónde vivimos y dónde morimos . | We cannot choose where we are born... ... but we can choose where we live, and where we die. |
where | Instintivamente sé dónde presionar, dónde apretar, dónde acariciar, y dónde lamer. | I instinctively know where to press, where to squeeze, where to stroke, and where to lick. |
where | Sabíamos exactamente dónde bajarían el satélite. | Now, we knew exactly where they would drop the satellite. |
where | Recuerden dónde están porque pronto desaparecerán. | Remember where they are, because they're about to disappear. |
where | Quédate dónde estás, quédate dónde estás. | Stay where you are, stay where you are. |
where | Sabemos dónde están y dónde estarán. | We know where they are and where they're going. |
where | Sabemos dónde hemos estado, sabemos dónde estamos. | We know where we've been, we know where we are. |
where | Nunca reveló dónde vivía ni dónde trabajaba. | She never gave away where she lives or where she works. |
where | No sé dónde comienza o dónde termina. | I don't know where it begins or where it ends. |
where | Y comprenderás dónde estás y dónde deberías estar. | And you will understand where you are and where you should be. |
where | Por ejemplo, pregúntate dónde reside cada personaje actualmente y dónde nació. | For example, ask yourself where each character currently resides and where they were born. |
where | No sabemos dónde empieza ni dónde termina. | We don't know where it starts and where it finishes. |
where | Quiero todo sobre Andy y Brianna... dónde viven, dónde está su casa de campo, dónde tirotean sabandijas... dónde ejercía él, dónde estudió. | I want to know everything about Andy and Brianna. where they live, where their country home is, where they plink vermin... where he practiced medicine, where he went to school. |
where | Sabe dónde vives, dónde trabajas, dónde actúas. | He knows where you live, where you work, where you play. |
where | Y no sólo sabemos dónde están hoy, sabemos dónde estuvieron ayer y dónde estarán dentro de millones de años. | And we don't just know where they are now, we know where they were yesterday and where they'll be millions of years into the future. |
where | Mañana, te mostraré todo- dónde te sientas en la cubierta, dónde aceptas el dinero... dónde llevarás el negocio. | Tomorrow, I'll show you everything... where you sit on the deck, where you take the money... where you run the whole business. |
where | Sé dónde vives, sé dónde estudias y sé dónde entierras a tus presas. | I know where you live, I know where you learn, and I know where you bury your kill. |
where | Esto significa que debemos estudiar dónde se malgasta el dinero, dónde reside la ineficiencia y dónde se requieren cambios. | This means that we must investigate where it is that the money is being wasted, where the inefficiency lies and where changes need to be made. |
where | Desde este nuevo mapa, deberíamos poder ver dónde estamos actualmente, dónde hemos estado y hacia dónde estamos yendo. | From this new map, we should be able to see where we currently are, where we have been and where we are going. |
where | Son, efectivamente, el espejo psicológico donde nos contemplamos. Espejos dónde jugamos, dónde sentimos, dónde expandimos nuestra imaginación. | They are, in effect, the psychological mirror in which we see ourselves reflected - mirrors where we play, where we feel, where we stretch our imagination, and also where we learn. |
where | ¿Dónde compraste tus zapatos? | Where did you buy your shoes? |
where in the heck | ¡Dónde se ha visto tanto cinismo! Nunca lo esperé de ti. | Where in the heck did all this cynicism come from? I would never have expected it from you. |