time | Extendemos nuestra solidaridad hacia nuestros amigos jordanos en esta difícil hora. | At this difficult time, we affirm our solidarity towards our Jordanian friends. |
time | Es hora de que nos marchemos. | It's time for us to get out. l don't know. |
time | Si me disculpan, es hora de acabar con Cunth. | Well, then, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go pound some Cunth. Mac. |
time | Es hora de ponerle fin, Paul. | MASlELLO [ON RECORDING]: It's time to end it, Paul. |
time | Es hora del tradicional discurso del padrino. | It is time for the traditional best man speech. |
time | Cuando realmente sea tu hora, te estaré esperando. | "When it's really your time to go,"I'll be waiting for you. |
time | No hay muchas llamadas a esa hora. | Now, there's not a lot of normal phone traffic around that time. |
time | Supongo que es hora de regalarlo. | I figure it's time to pass it on. |
time | Pero creo que ha llegado la hora. | Do not be alarmed, ladies, but I think my time has come. |
hour | Han equivocado la hora del día: anochece. | They have mistaken the hour of the day: it is evening. |
hour | Llevo intentado hacer algo conmigo durante una hora entera. | I've been trying to get something going with myself for a full hour. |
hour | He estado golpeándolo durante una hora. | I've been banging on it for an hour. |
hour | Lamento haberlo llamado a esta hora. | I'm sorry to ask you at this hour. |
hour | Podría estar armado en una hora. | It could be armed and up in an hour. |
hour | Dame una hora mas y hablaré. | Give me an hour longer, and I will speak. |
hour | Estará en recuperación por una hora. | She'll be in the PACU for about an hour. |
hour | Me quede observándola durante una hora. | I sat looking at her for about an hour. |
hour | Muchas mujeres trofeo ejercitando a esta hora. | Lot of trophy wives out jogging at this hour. |
hour | Con estas piernas llevamos una hora esperando. | With those legs, we've been waiting here for an hour. |
hour | Los dos escondiéndonos para poder estar una hora juntos. | The two of us sneaking around so we can spend an hour together. |
hour | Las clases son de una hora. | The classes are an hour long. |
time | Ya es hora de que nos sentemos y charlemos sobre el tema. Llegó la hora de cambiar nuestros hábitos. | It's time we sat down and talked about it. It was time to change our habits. |
with perfect timing, with great timing | ¡A buena hora llegas a la fiesta! Ya se fueron todos los invitados. | You've turned up to the party with perfect timing! All the guests have just left. |
on time | No llegué tarde; llegué a la hora. | I didn't arrive late. I arrived on time. |
when it comes to | A la hora de solucionar cualquier problema, Julián siempre está dispuesto a colaborar. | When it comes to solving problems, Julián is always willing to help. |
at | Todos se sientan a la mesa a la hora de la cena. | Everyone sits down at the table at dinner time. |
when it comes down to it | Todos tus amiguitos se las dan de muy valientes; pero, a la hora de la hora, son unos cobardes. | All your friends pretend to be brave, but when it comes down to it they are cowards. |
on the dot | Cuando vas a viajar, no debes llegar al aeropuerto a la hora en punto sino con un par de horas de anticipación. | I'll meet you at 5 o'clock on the dot. |
first thing | El jefe nos dijo que los reportes deben estar listos el lunes a primera hora. | The boss told us that the reports should be ready first thing on Monday. |
what goes around comes around | Ahora está tranquilo, pero ya va a ver en unos años: a todo chancho le llega su hora. | Now he's calm, but he'll see in a few years: what goes around comes around. |
at the last minute | A última hora, el cliente decidió comprar el auto rojo en lugar del negro. | The client decided to buy the red car rather than the black one at the last minute. |
before time | Roberto estaba nervioso y llegó a la entrevista antes de la hora. | Robert was nervous and got to the interview before time. |
ahead of time, early | Llegué a la entrevista avanzado de la hora. | I got to the interview ahead of time (or: early). |
about this time, around this time | Como a esta hora, mi madre llegaba a la casa. | Around this time my mother was getting home. |
quarter of an hour | Esperé un cuarto de hora y me fui. | I waited a quarter of an hour and left. |
at the last minute | Nuestro plan sufrió cambios de última hora. | Our plan underwent changes at the last minute. |
right on time | Marta llegó en buena hora para almorzar con nosotros. | Marta arrived right on time to have lunch with us. |
not a moment too soon | ¡En buena hora has obtenido ese triunfo! | You pulled off that win not a moment too soon! |
date and time | Por favor dime la fecha y hora de nuestra reunión para anotarlas en mi agenda. | Please tell me the date and time of our meeting so that I can make a note of it in my diary. |
opening hours | Por ser invierno, cambiaron la hora de entrada. | During winter, the opening hours will change. |
arrival time | Calculo mi tiempo de viaje para estar en la oficina 15 minutos antes de la hora de llegada. | The plane's scheduled arrival time in London is 19.39 local time. |
departure time | La hora de salida del avión es a las 15:20. | The plane's departure time is 15.20. |
peak times | La empresa eléctrica aplica una tarifa más alta en hora punta. | The electric company applies a higher rate at peak times. |
kilometres per hour | La máxima es de 80 kilómetros por hora. | The maximum is 80 kilometres per hour. |
the moment of truth | Llegó la hora de la verdad: ¿estás de nuestra parte o no? | The moment of truth has arrived: are you with us or not? |
breaking news | ¡Noticia de última hora! El candidato retiró su candidatura. | Breaking news! The candidate withdrew his candidacy. |
three quarters of an hour | Son las 3:15 p.m., faltan tres cuartos de hora para las 4:00 p.m. | It's 15:15, there are three quarters of an hour left until 16:00. |
it's about time | —Julia acaba de llegar. —¡Ya era hora! | "Julia has just arrived." "It's about time!" |
it's time, it is time | Ya es hora: ¡tomen sus herramientas y comiencen a trabajar! | It's time: grab your tools and get to work! |
it's time to, it is time to | Despierta, Julia. Ya es hora de ir a trabajar. | Wake up, Julia. It's time to go to work. |
it's about time | Ya va siendo hora de marcharse a casa; es muy tarde. | It's about time to head home; it's very late. |