emigrate | Muchos grandes artistas italianos eligieron emigrar. | A number of Italy's greatest artists chose to emigrate. |
emigrate | Charlotte y yo planeamos emigrar a Sudamérica. | Charlotte and I plan to emigrate to South America. |
emigrate | Criaré este saltamontes para que pueda emigrar. | I will raise this grasshopper so that he can emigrate. |
emigrate | Mi amigo quiere emigrar a Sudáfrica. | My friend wants to emigrate to South Africa. |
emigrate | Cuando tenemos children like que inglaterra animamos a emigrar. | When we have children like that in england we encourage them to emigrate. |
emigrate | Incluso decidí dejar de escribir y emigrar. | I even decided to quit writing and to emigrate. |
emigrate | En ese contexto político, decide emigrar a Inglaterra. | In that political context, she decided to emigrate to England. |
emigrate | Las SS únicamente los liberaban si aceptaban emigrar. | The SS released them only if they agreed to emigrate. |
emigrate | Porque en realidad, también querían emigrar. | Because in reality, they also wanted to emigrate. |
emigrate | Unas 500.000 personas ya se han visto obligadas a emigrar. | Some 500,000 persons had already been forced to emigrate. |
emigrate | Estados que basaron su desarrollo en la mano de obra extranjera hoy ven emigrar a sus nacionales. | States that based their development on foreign labour are now seeing their nationals emigrate. |
emigrate | Sugirió que emigrar a Nueva Caledonia. | She suggested we emigrate to New Caledonia. |
emigrate | Siempre quería... emigrar hacia el sur. | Any time he wanted to... emigrate south. |
emigrate | El proceso obliga también a sus hijos a emigrar. | The process forces their children as well to emigrate. |
migrate | Algunos pueblos indígenas optaron por emigrar permanentemente, como los Q'eqchi y los Poqomchi. | Some indigenous peoples opted to permanently migrate, such as the Q'eqchi and the Poqomchi. |
migrate | Necesita una buena razón para emigrar. | It needs a good reason to migrate. |
immigrate | Los primeros japoneses conocidos a emigrar a la Argentina llegaron en barco en 1886. | The first known Japanese to immigrate to Argentina arrived by boat in 1886. |
immigrate | Los europeos del este comenzaron a emigrar al área de Passaic en 1877. | Eastern Europeans began to immigrate to the Passaic area in 1877. |
emigrate | Emigraron a Europa en busca de trabajo. | They emigrated to Europe looking for work. |
migrate | Con la llegada del invierno las aves emigraron a zonas más templadas. | With the coming of winter the birds migrated to warmer regions. |