disease | Es obligatorio notificar cada caso de enfermedad contagiosa. | There is an obligation to report each case of communicable disease, as well. |
disease | Entretanto, la enfermedad sigue propagándose. | In the meantime, the disease has spread. |
disease | Estamos infectados con una extraña enfermedad. | We are all infected with a mysterious disease. |
disease | Tratar la enfermedad es más lucrativo que curarla. | Treating the disease is far more profitable than curing it. |
disease | Cirrosis, es una enfermedad del hígado. | Cirrhosis. It's a disease of the liver. |
disease | Victoria Chase ahora vive en Cleveland recuperándose de una deformante enfermedad. | Victoria chase is now living in Cleveland and recovering from some disfiguring disease. |
disease | Y luego podremos crear un tratamiento para la enfermedad. | And then we will be able to make a treatment for the disease. |
disease | Victor, es una enfermedad progresiva. | Victor, this disease is progressive, degenerative. |
disease | Varón de 65 años con enfermedad vascular. | 65-year-old male with vascular disease manifested by claudication of the left calf. |
disease | No pude encontrar información sobre la enfermedad. | I couldn't find any literature on the disease. |
disease | La meningitis cerebroespinal meningocóccica es una enfermedad endémica en el Sudán. | Meningococcal cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM) is an endemic disease in the Sudan. |
disease | Me obsesioné con salvarte... vencer la enfermedad. | I became consumed with saving you, conquering the disease. |
illness | Tiene dificultades para digerir alimentos y sufre una enfermedad gastrointestinal crónica. | He is unable to properly digest food and suffers from a chronic gastrointestinal illness. |
illness | No está relacionado con la enfermedad. | It's not something linked to the illness. |
illness | Siempre consideré el matrimonio una enfermedad banal. | Myself? I always thought marriage was a mild kind of illness. |
illness | Me atacó una enfermedad fatal al día siguiente. | I was stricken by my fatal illness the following day. |
illness | Le recordó la grave enfermedad del Presidente. | He reminded her of the president's grave illness. |
illness | Curándole esa enfermedad incurable llamada vida. | By curing you of this terminal illness callled life. |
sickness | Aseguraremos el antídoto a nuestra enfermedad. | We shall secure the antidote to our sickness. |
sickness | Vine para ayudarte a pasar tu enfermedad. | I came here to help you through your sickness. |
illness | Luis ha visitado a cinco médicos diferentes, pero todavía no se sabe de qué enfermedad padece. | Luis has seen five different doctors, but we still don't know what his illness is. |
disease, scourge | En la actualidad, la enfermedad que asola al país es la indolencia. | The country's main malaise at this time is laziness. |