whole | No chupar, masticar ni tragar entero. | Not to be sucked, chewed or swallowed whole. |
whole | Sería útil dedicar un día entero a esos debates. | It would be useful to set aside a whole day for such discussions. |
whole | El pie entero lleva años infectado. | The whole foot's been infected for years. |
whole | Seis cajas volarían el yacimiento entero. | Six cases will blow out the whole field. |
whole | Apuesto que podrías tragarme entero, también. | I bet you could swallow me whole, too. |
whole | Los sobrenaturales intentan tomar el mundo entero. | The supes are trying to take over the whole world. |
whole | Hay otro mundo entero ahí abajo. | It's a whole other world down there. |
whole | El mundo entero escucharía tus canciones. | I mean, the whole world would get to hear your songs. |
whole | Tiene un paquete entero de cigarros. | He's got a whole pack of cigarettes. |
whole | Papá, estos señores quieren un termo entero. | Dad, these three want to take a whole thermos from you. |
whole | Verás el mundo entero desde allí. | You'll see the whole world from there. |
whole | El mundo entero cambió cuando nació Panamá. | The whole world changed when Panama came into being. |
whole | Y se apoderó del lugar entero. | And he's taken over this whole place... |
whole | El motel entero estaba en llamas. | The whole motel was going up in flames. |
entire | Tendría un equipo entero ahí fuera. | I'd have an entire team out there. |
entire | Pasé el día entero revisando las oficinas ejecutivas. | I spent the entire day going through the executive offices. |
entire | No sólo saquean el reino entero. | They don't just plunder the entire kingdom. |
entire | Un imperio entero arrodillado ante pequeños animales peludos. | An entire empire brought to its knees by small furry creatures. |
entire | Este pulso tumbo el edificio entero. | That em pulse knocked out the entire building. |
entire | Daniel Meade plantado frente al mundo entero. | Daniel Meade stood up in front of the entire world. |
entire, whole | Se comió el bote entero de pepinillos. | He ate the entire jar of pickles. |
self-controlled, calm, collected | El padre estaba muy entero pero la madre no dejaba de llorar. | The father was calm, but the mother did not stop crying. |
integer, whole number | Hoy aprenderemos a sumar un entero con una fracción. | Today we will learn to add an integer with a fraction. |
whole number | El 4 es un número entero. | 4 is a whole number. |
completely, totally | La casa se destruyó por entero. | The house was completely destroyed. |
fall for it hook, line and sinker | Pedro se tragó entero el relato de Martín, ¡qué ingenuo! | Pedro fell for Martin's story hook, line and sinker. He's so gullible! |