escape | Logró escapar y fue llevado al hospital. | He managed to escape and was taken to hospital. |
escape | Quería escapar, pero fingía reír. | I wanted to escape but I pretended to laugh. |
escape | Algunos enemigos del estado intentan escapar. | Some enemies of the state trying to escape. |
escape | Probablemente intentó escapar y luchar con sus secuestradores. | She probably tried to escape and fought with her kidnappers. |
escape | No tienes alternativa si quieres escapar. | You have no choice if you want to escape. |
escape | Fue afortunada de escapar con vida. | She was lucky to escape with her life. |
escape | La verdad es que necesitaba escapar. | The truth is, I needed to escape. |
escape | Soy prisionero y no puedo escapar. | I'm a captive and I cannot escape. |
escape | Te trajimos aquí cuando intentábamos escapar. | We brought you here when we were trying to escape. |
escape | Les dará cobertura, permitiéndoles escapar. | You'll provide cover, allowing them to escape. |
escape | Murió tratando de escapar de Erewhon. | He got killed trying to escape from Erewhon. |
escape | Todo esto luego de intentar escapar. | All this, after I tried to escape. |
escape | Tendrás tiempo suficiente para escapar mientras mata a Meg. | You'll have plenty of time to escape... while he's killing Meg. |
escape | Probaste todas las formas de escapar. | You have tried every possible means of escape. |
get away | Tengo que escapar de todo esto. | I got to get away from all of it. |
get away | Debió haber explotado la bomba para poder escapar. | He must have set off the bomb so he could get away. |
get away | Es difícil escapar a su interrogatorio. | It is hard to get away from his questioning. |
get away | Era cómplice de asesinato y lo dejaste escapar. | He was an accessory to murder and you let him get away. |
run away | Tenía que haberte dado una lección y escapar. | I was supposed to show you once and for all if I'd run away. |
run away | Desde tu infancia has intentado escapar de algo. | Ever since your childhood, you've tried to run away from something. |
break out of | Fueron aprehendidos los reos que escaparon del penal. | The offenders who broke out of police custody were caught. |
escape, avoid, evade | Estuvo gravemente enfermo pero escapó milagrosamente de la muerte. | He was seriously ill but miraculously avoided death. |
get out of | Siempre buscas escaparte de tus obligaciones en el trabajo. No seas flojo y cumple con tu deber. | You're always trying to get out of responsibilities at work. Pull your socks up and do your job properly. |
escape, elude | La fascinación por los tatuajes es algo que escapa a mi comprensión. | This fascination with tattoos eludes (or: escapes) me completely. |