existence | Esa Ley era fundamental porque reconocía la existencia del conflicto armado. | The law was crucial because it acknowledged the existence of the armed conflict. |
existence | Aunque su existencia es cosa de leyenda. | Its existence is the stuff of legend, though. |
existence | Ésa es la excusa para nuestra existencia. | You see, that's the whole excuse for our existence. |
existence | Como persona espiritual, he aceptado distintos planos de existencia. | As a spiritual person, I've accepted many planes of existence. |
existence | Nadie ha podido demostrar la existencia del Diablo. | No one has ever proved the existence of the Devil. |
existence | Nunca hemos visto ninguna prueba de su existencia. | There has never been a shred of evidence to prove its existence. |
existence | Pero nuestra existencia debe permanecer secreta. | But you have to keep our existence secret. |
existence | Debo de haberte amargado la existencia. | How I must have been the bane of your existence. |
existence | Cualquier intento de revelar la existencia o ubicación resultará en procesamiento. | Any attempt to disclose the existence or location hereof will result in prosecution. |
existence | Aun sabiendo que alteraría su existencia humana. | Even knowing that I'd be tampering with its human existence. |
existence | Literalmente debe obligarlas a revelar su propia existencia. | You got to literally force them out of their own existence. |
existence | Necesito pruebas de su existencia y sus propósitos. | I need hard proof of its existence and its purpose. |
existence | Ya no niegan la existencia de alienígenas. | No denying the existence of aliens now, everyone saw it. |
existence | Trataba de probar la existencia de ESP. | He was trying to prove the existence of ESP. |
existence | No hay manera de probar su existencia. | There isn't any way of proving their existence. |
existence | Por eso tu existencia es fundamental. | That's why your existence is so essential. |
existence | En otras palabras, llevar una existencia de hombre. | In other words, to lead a man's existence, women are no more than a nuisance. |
existence | Creían que representaba toda la existencia. | They believed that it represented all of existence. |
existence | Toda prueba de nuestra existencia debe desaparecer. | Any and all traces of our existence is terminated. |
existence | Dirigía el complot para explotar la existencia de extraterrestres. | He led the government conspiracy to exploit the existence of aliens. |
existence | Descubrieron al culpable gracias a la existencia de evidencias. | Thanks to the existence of evidence against him, they were able to figure out who the culprit was. |
life | Durante toda su existencia no hizo más que dar amor. | He did nothing but give love throughout his entire life. |
existence | La filosofía estudia la existencia del ser. | Philosophy is the study of existence. |