degree | Quizás te dé algún grado de consuelo. | It might give you some small degree of comfort. |
degree | Me horrorizó su grado de violencia. | I was appalled at the shocking degree of violence. |
degree | Le explicaba el grado de angostamiento. | I was just explaining about the degree of the narrowing, and... |
grade | Todos los de 4to grado van solos. | Everybody else in fourth grade goes to school on their own. |
grade | Todo empezó cuando estábamos en noveno grado. | The blasts all started when we were in the ninth grade. |
grade | Mueres en octavo grado y nadie puede demostrarlo. | You die in the eighth grade, so nobody can prove it. |
grade | Tengo fantasías con ella desde el séptimo grado. | I've been fantasizing about her since I was in the seventh grade. |
grade | Si puedes traducir una escala de grado... | If you were to grade your satisfaction on a scale of... |
grade | Termine con Latin en quinto grado. | I was done with Latin by fifth grade. Okay. |
grade | Él solamente llegó al séptimo grado. | He only got as far as the seventh grade. |
grade | Te creíste un vampiro hasta octavo grado. | You thought you were a vampire... all the way through eighth grade. |
grade | Hemos visto los mismos Neanderthales desde séptimo grado. | We've been watching the same parade of neanderthals Since seventh grade. |
grade | Hemos sido amigos desde el noveno grado. | Well, we've been best friends since the 9th grade. |
grade | Dejaste de hablarme en sexto grado. | You stopped talking to me in, like, sixth grade. |
grade | Cuando estaba en 6º grado decidí llamarlo. | When I was in sixth grade, I decided to call him. |
grade | Te conozco desde el cuarto grado. | I've known you since the fourth grade. |
grade | Hice observación de fauna con él hasta sexto grado. | I mean, I did wildlife observation with him Till I was in, like, sixth grade. |
grade | Probablemente tendría que rehacer séptimo grado. | I'd probably have to redo seventh grade. |
grade | Perdí mi virginidad en 5to grado. | I lost my virginity in the 5th grade. |
level | La escuela no ofrece cursos de grado. | At that time the school did not offer college level courses. |
degree, amount, scale | Aún no se sabe el grado de destrucción que causó el maremoto. | The degree (or: scale) of damage caused by the tidal wave is still unknown. |
level, degree | El tutor tiene un alto grado de preparación académica. Aunque en menor grado que el resto de la región, el país cuenta con riquezas considerables. | My tutor has a high level academic background. Albeit to a lesser degree than the rest of the region, the country has considerable wealth. |
rank | Mi tío tiene el grado de general. | My uncle rose to the rank of general. |
degree | La temperatura llegaba a los 40 grados. Hornee el pastel a 200 grados. | The temperature reached 40 degrees. I baked the cake at 200 degrees. |
degree | Un ángulo recto mide 90 grados. | A right angle measures 90 degrees. |
degree | Son mis primos en primer grado. | They are my first degree cousins. |
willingly | No lo hizo de buen grado, pero lo hizo. | He did it, but not at all willingly. |
year | Los alumnos del último grado se preparan para elegir una carrera. Mi sobrino está en tercer grado. | My nephew is in the third year at school. |
degree | El grado de ingeniero se concede tras completar varios años de estudios. | The engineering degree is awarded after several years of studies. |
diploma | Los graduandos de la promoción reciben su título y acta de grado. | The class graduates receive their title and diploma. |
to the point of | Su sed de poder lo enajenó al grado de corromper su alma. | His thirst for power drove him to the point of corrupting his soul. |
certain degree of | Noto cierto grado de hostilidad entre ellos. | I sensed a certain degree of hostility between them. |
first-class, grade A | Nos hospedamos en un hotel de primer grado. | We stayed the night at a first-class hotel. |
first-degree | Laura tiene quemaduras de primer grado y debe quedarse en el hospital. | Laura has first-degree burns and must stay in hospital. |
exit exam | Los padres de Julia no están satisfechos con la calificación que obtuvo en su examen de grado. | Julia's parents are not satisfied with the grade she got on her exit exam. |
high level | Para ese trabajo, no es necesario tener un grado alto de estudios. | Despite the work involved, a high level of studies is not required. |
degrees Celsius | Hornea la torta a 200 grados centígrados. | Bake the cake at 200 degrees Celcius. |
middle grade | Estoy pensando seriamente estudiar el grado medio en música. | I'm seriously thinking about taking music for middle grade. |
to a certain extent | Estoy de acuerdo hasta cierto grado, pero no del todo. | I agree to a certain extent, but not totally. |
experience is a plus, experience is a rank in itself | Este candidato no tiene título de ingeniero, pero lo contrataremos porque la experiencia es un grado. | This candidate doesn't have a qualification in engineering, but we'll take her on because experience is a plus. |
dissertation | Carlos debe presentar su trabajo de grado para obtener su título de ingeniero. | Carlos must present his dissertation to obtain his engineering degree. |