lack | La investigación se cerró por falta de pruebas. | The investigation was closed owing to a lack of evidence. |
lack | Su falta constituye un problema fundamental para el equipo. | The lack of resources and capacities to implement those tasks is a key challenge faced by the country team. |
lack | En Austria no falta alimentación adecuada. | There is no lack of adequate food in Austria. |
lack | Nuestra histórica falta de sufragio universal está entre las mayores desgracias. | Our nation's historical lack of universal suffrage is among its greatest disgraces. |
lack | Demandaré al hospital por falta de hospitalidad. | I feel like suing the hospital for lack of hospitality. |
lack | Perdón por la falta de delicadeza. | Coulson: Sorry for the lack of finesse. |
lack | Disculparás mi completa falta de sorpresa. | You'll excuse my complete lack of surprise. |
lack | Serás liberado por falta de pruebas. | You'll be released for lack of proof. |
lack | Apenas compensa tu falta de poderes físicos naturales. | It barely compensates for your lack of natural physical powers. |
lack | Quieres decir por nuestra falta de relación. | You mean because of our lack of a relationship. |
lack | Central, hay falta de personal. | Central, there is a lack of staff. |
lack | Solo expreso mi falta de entusiasmo. | I'm simply expressing my lack of enthusiasm. |
need | Hace falta incorporar indicadores que aborden las dimensiones ambientales del saneamiento. | There is a need to incorporate indicators addressing the environmental dimensions of sanitation. |
need | También hacen falta leyes fundamentales relativas a los niños. | There is also a need for fundamental laws relating to children. |
need | No hace falta que demuestres nada. | You don't need to prove it to anybody. |
need | Debería hablarle del personal que falta. | I must talk to you about the staff we need. |
need | Hará falta una espátula para rascarte de las paredes. | They'll need a dustpan and brush to scrape you off the walls. |
need | Quizás no haga falta que tengamos más conversaciones. | Perhaps we don't need to have further conversations at all. |
need | No hacía falta preparar todo esto. | You didn't need to prepare all this. |
need | No hace falta mencionar el nombre del establecimiento. | There's no need to mention the establishment by name. |
offense | Le han retirado el carné de conducir por cometer una falta grave. | They revoked his driver's license for committing a serious offense. |
shortage | Hay una gran falta de alimentos debido a la sequía. | There's a severe shortage of food due to the drought. |
foul | El delantero cometió una falta y le dieron una tarjeta amarilla. | The forward committed a foul and they gave him a yellow card. |
in the absence of | A falta de azúcar, utilicé miel en la receta y quedó mejor. | In the absence of sugar, I used honey in the recipe and it was better. |
in the absence of | Ante la falta de ayuda oficial, los vecinos se organizaron para ofrecer su ayuda voluntaria. | In the absence of official help, neighbors got together to volunteer their help. |
there's still something missing | Aún falta algo para terminar el cuadro pero no sé qué es. | There's still something missing to finish the painting but I don't know what. |
miss | Camila echa en falta su ciudad desde que se mudó a Canadá. El viejo echa en falta a sus amigos de la infancia. | Camilla has been missing her city ever since she moved to Canada. |
notice [sth] is missing | En la reunión del gobierno, el público echó en falta a la ministra de educación. | The public noticed that the Minister for Education was missing at the government meeting. |
absence | Tres llegadas tarde de un estudiante a esta clase equivalen a una falta de asistencia. | If a student turns up late to this class three times it counts as an absence. |
lack of communication | La falta de comunicación causó graves problemas en la pareja. | The lack of communication led to serious problems in the couple's relationship. |
lack of discipline, poor discipline | Las constantes faltas de disciplina de Juan tienen cansada a la maestra. | The teacher is growing tired of Juan's constant lack of discipline. |
spelling error, spelling mistake | La idea central del ensayo es buena, pero las faltas de ortografía le restan credibilidad. | The central idea is good, but the spelling errors undermine the essay's credibility. |
nonpayment | La empresa se quedó sin conexión a Internet por falta de pago. | The company was left without an Internet connection due to nonpayment. |
lack of respect, disrespect | Entrar a una casa sin llamar a la puerta podría verse como una falta de respeto. | Entering a house without knocking on the door could be seen as a lack of respect. |
lack of sleep | La falta de sueño y el exceso de velocidad fueron las principales causas del accidente en la carretera. | Lack of sleep and excessive speed were the main causes of the highway accident. |
serious misconduct | Debido a una falta grave, Carlos se quedó sin empleo y recibió una demanda. | Due to serious misconduct, Carlos lost his job and was sued. |
be needed | Para dominar un arte, hace falta esfuerzo y dedicación. | To master an art, hard work and dedication are needed. |
you need to | El contrato está listo; solo hace falta que lo firmen los interesados. | You need to water the houseplants; they're dying. |
need | A Luis le hace falta un abrigo. A todos nos hace falta un amigo a veces. | Luis needs a coat. Everybody needs a friend sometimes. |
miss | Juan me hace falta desde que se fue. Cuando vivía en Quito, a Thomas le hacía falta su ciudad. | I've been missing Juan since he left. When he lived in Quito, Thomas missed his city. |
[sb] needs [sth] | Juan le hace falta a María, ella no es la misma sin él. | Maria needs Juan: she's not the same without him. |
not be needed, not be necessary | No hace falta dinero; está todo completo. | Money is not needed; everything is complete. |
be no need to so [sth] | No hacía falta gritar porque el micrófono estaba encendido. | There was no need to shout because the microphone was on. |
you don't need to | Puedes mudarte ahora mismo; no hace falta que firmes el contrato. | You can move in right away: you don't need to sign the contract. |
due to a lack of, through lack of | Suspendieron la obra por falta de presupuesto. | They suspended production due to a lack of budget. |
without fail | Este hombre dona sin falta la mitad de su salario a un orfanato. | This man always donates half of his salary to an orphanage without fail. |