policy | Actualmente estamos discutiendo cómo impulsar dicha política. | We are currently discussing how that policy may now be taken further forward. |
policy | Dicha política incluye actividades de prevención, control y tratamiento. | The policy deals with prevention, control and treatment aspects of HIV/AIDS. |
policy | La política sanitaria da gran importancia a la prevención. | The health policy places a great deal of emphasis on prevention. |
policy | La autoridad flamenca aplica una política inclusiva. | The Flemish Government implements a policy of social inclusion. |
policy | Seguimos aplicando la política de eliminación de las armas estratégicas ofensivas. | We are pursuing our policy for the further elimination of strategic offensive weapons. |
policy | Otras delegaciones señalaron cuestiones de política. | Other delegations had drawn attention to policy concerns. |
policy | Esta política se asienta en diversas leyes. | The basis of this policy is to be found in a number of legal instruments. |
policy | Se está elaborando una propuesta de política marítima. | A proposal for a maritime policy is currently under development. |
policy | La política antidroga de Venezuela ha avanzado. | The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has continued to develop its anti-drug policy. |
policy | Debe condenar públicamente cualquier política de detención en secreto. | The State party should publicly condemn any policy of secret detention. |
policy | Esperamos que se reconsidere esta política. | We hope that this policy will be reconsidered. |
policy | Sugiere que se formule una política nacional sobre esta cuestión. | He suggested that a national policy should be formulated in that regard. |
policy | La política ininterrumpida de asentamientos ilegales ha exacerbado la ocupación continua. | The uninterrupted policy of illegal settlements has added injury to the continued occupation. |
policy | Consolidación de una política pública para atender el desplazamiento interno. | Strengthening of government policy to address the problems of internally displaced persons. |
policy | Solo estamos imitando la política extranjera de EE.UU. | I believe we're just taking our cue from American foreign policy. |
politics | La representación política de la mujer ha mejorado notablemente. | There has been a significant improvement in women's representation in politics. |
politics | No quería dedicarme a negocios ni política. | I didn't want to pursue business or politics. |
politics | Uno hace grandes amigos en política. | One makes a great many friends in politics. |
politics | Dejaré la política para usted, Senador. | I'll leave the politics to you, Senator. |
politics | Para trabajar en política se necesita un estómago resistente. | You need a strong stomach to work in politics. |
policy | Es política de esta empresa tener un comportamiento ético ante cualquier situación. | It is this company's policy to demonstrate ethical behavior in any situation. |
political analyst | Un analista político expuso cuál candidato tiene mayores probabilidades de triunfo. | A political analyst explained which candidate has the best probability of winning. |
political openness | Luego de la dictadura, el país vivió un periodo de apertura política. | After the dictatorship, the country experienced a period of political openness. |
political challenge | La apuesta política del nuevo mandatario es la transparencia en la gestión pública. | The senator's political challenge is to regain the trust of the voters. |
political point of view | En la actualidad, todos los acontecimientos tienen aristas políticas. | Currently, every event has its political point of view. |
political economy | Martín estudia economía política. | Martin is studying political economy. |
in-laws | De toda mi familia política, solo simpatizo con mi cuñado. | Out of all my in-laws, I only get along with my brother-in-law. |
uncle by marriage | Mi tía política trabajó como secretaria del Alcalde por dos años. | My aunt by marriage worked as a mayor's secretary for two years. |