fifty | En estos conversatorios participaron trescientos cincuenta estudiantes. | A total of three hundred and fifty students participated in the Talk Shops. |
fifty | Aunque te lleve cincuenta años terminarlo. | Even if it takes you fifty years to finish. |
fifty | Entonces estaba rodeado por cuarenta o cincuenta. | Then, I was surrounded by forty or fifty of them. |
fifty | Destrozados, cien heridos y cincuenta muertos. | Cut to pieces fifty dead and a hundred wounded. |
fifty | Llevan esperando justicia durante los últimos cincuenta años. | They have been waiting for justice for the past fifty years. |
fifty | En los años posteriores los trescientos dominios fueron reducidos a cincuenta prefecturas. | Over the following years, the three hundred domains were reduced to fifty prefectures. |
fifty | Incluidos aproximadamente cincuenta científicos, Inuit y periodistas. | This included approximately fifty scientists, Inuit, and journalists. |
fifty | Incluyó seiscientos cincuenta y ocho de estos objetos. | Six hundred and fifty eight of these objects were included. |
fifty | Cuatrocientas cincuenta obras serán exhibida en dos fases. | Four hundred and fifty works from the collection will be exhibited in two phases. |
fifty | No les prestaré dos dólares Sino cincuenta. | I will let you have not only two fish, but fifty fish. |
fifty | Cuatro cincuenta, señor Templeton, en Obendorfer's. | Four fifty, Mr. Templeton, at Obendorfer's. |
fifty | Cuatrocientas cincuenta familias quedaron sin hogar. | Four hundred and fifty families were rendered homeless. |
fifty | Solicitud crítica para tres cincuenta batería.corto. | Critical request for three fifty battery re-sup. Over. |
fifty | Tía, a sólo cincuenta dólares. | Aunty, it's only for fifty bucks. |
fifty | Tres cincuenta, tómalo o déjalo. | Three fifty, take it or leave it. |
fifty | Ciento trece kilos con cincuenta gramos. | A hundred and thirteen kilos and fifty grams. |
fifty | Su número no excederá de setecientos cincuenta. | They shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty in number. |
fifties | Porque fui sujeto suyo en los cincuenta. | Because I was their test subject in the fifties. |
fiftieth | Esta semana celebramos su cincuenta aniversario. | This week has found us observing its fiftieth anniversary. |
fifty | El niño cerró los ojos y contó hasta cincuenta. | The boy closed his eyed and counted to fifty. |
fifty | Hace muchos años, un par de zapatos costaba cincuenta pesos. | There are fifty dollars in that stack of dollar bills. |