figure | Si quieres descargar la agresión en una figura paterna... | So if you want to take some aggression out on a father figure... |
figure | Necesita una figura masculina en su vida. | He needs an older masculine figure in his life. |
figure | No suponía que fuese una figura histórica. | I didn't suppose that it would be a historical figure. |
figure | Ciertamente es la figura dominante del siglo XX. | It will never go back. Certainly, he's THE dominant figure of the 20th century. |
figure | Cada figura tiene un significado propio. | Each figure has a meaning of its own. |
figure | Quizás debería haber sido más una figura paterna. | Maybe I should have been more of a father figure. |
figure | Tengo una figura bastante bonita y poso mucho. | You see, I have a rather nice figure, and I pose a lot. |
figure | SobreIIevó todo ese dolor, perdió la figura. | Went through all that pain, lost her figure, for me. |
figure | Todavía estás tratando de esconder la figura femenina. | You're still trying to hide the woman's figure. |
figure | Pertenecen a familias disfuncionales o sin figura paterna. | Come from families that are dysfunctional or lack a father figure. |
figure | Siempre has tenido una hermosa figura. | Well, you've always had a lovely figure. |
figure | Creía que tenía una figura estupenda. | I just thought she had a great slim figure. |
figure | Siempre era una figura inmóvil en la pintura. | She was always just a figure motionless in the painting. |
figure | Sabemos que estaba sumamente preocupado por su figura. | We do know he was mighty concerned about his figure. |
figure | Bueno, mientras mantengas tu figura. | Well, as long as you keep your figure. |
figure | Periodista galardonado, Justice fue una figura prominente en IBS... | An award-winning journalist, Justice has been a prominent figure at IBS... |
figure | Has ganado tanta compostura, y tu figura... | You've gained so much countenance, and your figure... |
shape | Mi figura no tiene nada de malo. | I don't think there's anything wrong with my shape, thank you. |
shape | Y preguntas cómo mantengo mi figura. | And you wonder how I keep my shape. |
figurine | Es extraordinariamente raro descubrir una figura intacta. | It is extraordinarily rare to find a figurine intact. |
statue, figure | Le regalamos otra figura para su colección. No me gustan tanto estas pinturas porque las figuras se ven un poco emborronadas. | We gave her another statue (or: figure) for her collection. |
figure, outline | Con esa figura te puedes poner lo que quieras. Necesito una faja que estilice mi figura. | With that figure you can wear whatever you want. |
figure | El ejercicio consiste en hallar el área de una figura geométrica. | The exercise consists of finding the area of a geometrical figure. |
authority figure | Podrás estar en desacuerdo con él pero tiene un punto válido: la conducta de estos chicos muchas veces se explica por la falta de una figura de autoridad. | You can disagree with him but he makes a valid point: the behaviour of these boys is often explained by the lack of an authority figure. |
geometric shape | El triángulo y el cuadrilátero son figuras geométricas. | Triangles and quadrangles are geometric shapes. |
rhetorical device | Esta autora maneja las figuras literarias con mucho refinamiento. | This author uses rhetorical devices in a refined way. |
father figure | Sandra se crió con la presencia de una figura paterna en el hogar. | Sandra was raised with the presence of a father figure in her home. |