capacity | La capacidad para hacer este trabajo debe intensificarse. | The capacity to do this job has to be increased. |
capacity | En la primera fase se establecería una capacidad operativa inicial. | During the first phase, an initial operating capacity would be established. |
capacity | Se consideró importante crear la capacidad necesaria para utilizar tales mecanismos. | The importance of building the required capacity to use such mechanisms was noted. |
capacity | El programa procurará fortalecer los sistemas y crear capacidad. | The programme will seek to strengthen systems and to build capacity. |
capacity | En la Unión Europea había mucha capacidad. | There is a lot of capacity at the European Union. |
capacity | Todos los hospitales del Sudán meridional tienen cierta capacidad quirúrgica. | All the hospitals in southern Sudan have some form of surgical capacity. |
capacity | Nunca ha tenido capacidad militar propia. | It has never had a military capacity of its own. |
capacity | Tampoco debería debilitarse la capacidad ejecutiva de la Asamblea General. | The executive capacity of the General Assembly should not be weakened either. |
capacity | Su mejor opción sería alegar capacidad disminuida. | His best bet would be to plead diminished capacity. |
capacity | Él tiene la capacidad para hacer esas escenas mudas. | Well. actually. he has the capacity for making those silent scenes. |
capacity | Es más conocida como permitividad o capacidad inductiva específica. | Well, it's more commonly known as permittivity or specific inductive capacity. |
capacity | Hemos nacido con capacidad para sufrir. | We're all born with a capacity for it. |
capacity | Tiene una capacidad increíble de mostrar el horror humano. | He has an incredible capacity to depict the horror of humanity. |
ability | Algunas incertidumbres limitan la capacidad de elaborar propuestas presupuestarias definitivas. | A number of uncertainties constrain the ability to frame definitive budgetary proposals. |
ability | Sudáfrica demostró su capacidad para ofrecer asistencia judicial. | South Africa demonstrated the ability to provide mutual legal assistance. |
ability | También es importantísima su capacidad de actuar a tiempo. | Their ability to act in a timely fashion is also of the essence. |
capability | El componente de apoyo seguirá manteniendo capacidad operacional en diferentes esferas. | The Support component will continue maintaining operational capability across a range of areas. |
capability | Somos la primera unidad quirúrgica con capacidad antiaérea. | We are the first surgical unit to have an antiaircraft capability. |
ability | Mi abuelo ya no tiene la capacidad de correr. | The ability to distinguish between right and wrong is the mark of a civilized person. |
increase commercial capacity | La empresa necesita aumentar la capacidad comercial. | The company needs to increase commercial capacity. |
increase in storage capacity, increase in storage space, increase warehouse space | Las nuevas computadoras necesitan un aumento de capacidad de almacenamiento. | New computers require an increase in storage capacity. |
diagnostic capacity, testing capacity | El gobierno de la ciudad prometió aumentar al doble la capacidad de diagnóstico del nuevo virus. | The city government promised to double the diagnostic (or: testing) capacity of the new virus. |
ability to manage [sth] | Mariel tiene muy buena capacidad para gestionar pagos. | Mariel has a very good ability to manage payments. |
productive capacity, production capacity | Debemos aumentar nuestra capacidad productiva si queremos competir en este mercado. | We should increase our productive capacity if we want to compete in this market. |
resolution capacity | La capacidad resolutiva de la empresa telefónica es deplorable. | The resolution capacity of the telephone company is deplorable. |
with a capacity for | En la fábrica hay un tanque con capacidad para 500 litros. | The new stadium holds 50,000 spectators. |