finally | Fue extrañamente estremecedor finalmente... decírselos. | It was strangely thrilling to finally just... say it to them. |
finally | Me preguntaba cuando finalmente trabajaríamos juntos. | I was wondering when we'd finally get to work together. |
finally | Homicidios finalmente consiguió las llamadas telefónicas. | Homicide finally dug up the phone and found records, by the way. |
finally | Tenemos entendido que las negociaciones intergubernamentales finalmente se reanudarán en las semanas venideras. | It is our understanding that the intergovernmental negotiations will finally be resumed in the coming weeks. |
finally | Podría quitar esto de mi cabeza finalmente. | I could finally levarmi this stuff from the head. |
finally | Pasé 40 años buscándolo para finalmente condenarlo. | I spent 40 years looking for him to finally convict. |
finally | He penetrado finalmente en los apartamentos particulares Y debo decir... | I've finally been inside the inner chambers... and I have to say... they don't exist. |
finally | Doctor Carter, Pelar finalmente sube. | Dr. Carter, Pelar is finally going up. |
finally | Luego finalmente admití que podría ser mi bebé. | Then I finally admitted that it might be my baby. |
finally | Ahora finalmente puedo influir en millones de personas. | Now I can finally have an influence on millions of people. |
finally | Y luego finalmente aceptó plantar el trigo. | And then finally he agreed to plant the wheat. |
finally | Qué bueno tener otro como nosotros aquí finalmente. | It's good to finally have another one of us around here. |
finally | Creo que finalmente sabremos donde estamos. | I guess we'll finally know where we stand. |
finally | Siento que mi vida finalmente comienza. | I feel like my life is finally beginning. |
finally | Quizás finalmente pueda hacer algo especial. | Maybe I can finally do something... special. |
eventually | Bueno, todos terminamos aquí finalmente. | Well, we all end up here eventually. |
eventually | Caerías en una profunda depresión y finalmente morirías. | You'd fall into a deep depression and eventually you would die. |
ultimately | La mención finalmente eliminada tenía una finalidad patente. | The provision that was ultimately deleted had a clear purpose. |
ultimately | Los detectives involucrados serán suspendidos y finalmente despedidos, al menos. | The detectives involved will be suspended and ultimately fired, at the least. |
finally, at last, in the end | Finalmente se casaron. | In the end (or: finally) they got married. |
finally, last, lastly | Y, finalmente, les recuerdo a los empleados que deben hacer horas extra. | Finally, I'd like to remind all employees that overtime must be worked. |