free | Prefiero disfrutar de mi tiempo libre. | I have rather been enjoying my free time. |
free | He decidido hacerte una mujer libre. | I have decided to make you a free woman. |
free | Las clases altas tienen demasiado tiempo libre. | He is a member of the upper class, and too much free time. |
free | Dicha Constitución establece los elementos políticos para una Sudáfrica libre. | The constitution sets out the political culture of a free South Africa. |
free | No sé cuándo tendré una tarde libre. | I don't know when I'll get another free evening. |
free | Porque la camioneta estará en caída libre. | Cause of the van, that will be in free fall. |
free | Desearía ser un espíritu libre como tú. | I wish I was more of a free spirit like you. |
free | Porque su majestad quiere sentirse un ciudadano libre. | Because Her Majesty wants to feel like a free citizen. |
free | En una sociedad libre podemos hacerlo. | We get to do that in a free society. |
free | Volverá a verme cuando esté libre. | She'll start seeing me again when she's free. |
free | No prestes atención al joven intentando el tiro libre. | So, pay no attention to the young man attempting the free throw. |
free | Y necesito ser libre para encontrarlo. | And I need to be free to go find it. |
free | Me siento totalmente libre para faltar al funeral. | I now consider myself totally free to ditch this funeral. |
free | No desaparecerá hasta que sea libre. | It will never stop until she's free. |
free | Hablamos de libertad, libre albedrío. | We talked about freedom, free will, that kind of stuff. |
free | He reflexionado, Madeleine, eres libre. | I've thought it over, Madeleine, you are free. |
spare | Como nadie lo usaba estaba libre. | In that it's not being used and I have it to spare. |
spare | Seguro, en mi tiempo libre. | Get these pressed for me? -Sure, in my spare time. |
spare | En su tiempo libre es humorista. | He's a comedian in his spare time. |
spare | Si quieren, hay una habitación libre. | We have a spare room. It's yours if you want it. |
free | Este es un país libre, no puedes decirme cómo debo vivir. | This is a free country. You can't tell me how to live my life. |
free, unoccupied, available | Sólo queda un asiento libre en este avión. | There's only one unoccupied seat left on this flight. |
free | Es un bello poema en verso libre. | It's a lovely poem in free verse. |
outdoors | Me gusta comer al aire libre, es genial en primavera. | I like to eat outdoors, especially in the springtime. |
elective | El objetivo de las asignaturas de libre elección es ampliar la formación de los alumnos. | The objective of electives is to broaden the educational experience of the students. |
open bar | Mañana en la cena habrá barra libre. | Tomorrow there will be an open bar at dinnertime. |
free diving | El buceo libre se practica sin tanque de oxígeno. | Free diving is done without an oxygen tank. |
free fall | Nos tiramos en caída libre desde un avión con nuestros paracaídas. | We did a free fall from a plane with our parachutes. |
free day, day off | Diana tiene un día libre cada mes. | Diana has a day off once a month. |
God free us from doing [sth] | Dios nos libre de creer que somos dueños de la verdad absoluta. | God free us from believing that we are know the absolute truth. |
God free us from [sth], God save us from [sth] | Dios nos libre de catástrofes y desgracias. | God free (or: save) us from catastrophe and misfortune. |
sleep outside | Mucha gente sin techo duerme al aire libre o bajo un puente. | Many homeless people sleep outside or under a bridge. |
market economy | La economía de mercado es despiadada. | The market economy is merciless. |
free admission | Para celebrar su aniversario, la organización ofrecerá una gran fiesta con entrada libre. | In order to celebrate its anniversary, the organization will throw a large party with free admission. |
free adaptation | La película difiere mucho del libro porque es una libre adaptación. | The film differs greatly from the book because it's a free adaptation. |
free will | Tienes libre albedrío, haz lo que quieras. | You have free will. Do what you want. |
free circulation | El país permite la libre circulación de personas por su territorio. | The country permits the free circulation of people through its territory. |
free competition | El capitalismo proclama la libre competencia. | Capitalism proclaims free competition. |
free of restrictions, free of foreclosure | En el contrato de compraventa, el vendedor manifiesta que el inmueble está libre de embargo. | The seller declared in the sales contract that the property was free of restrictions. |
tax free, tax-free | En esta región fronteriza pueden adquirirse mercancías libres de impuestos. | Many tax-free goods can be bought in this border region. |
arbitrary dismissal | De ser aprobado el libre despido las empresas no pagarían liquidaciones laborales. | Should arbitrary dismissal be approved, companies would not have to pay severance. |
wrestling | Milton practica lucha libre hace un año. | Milton has practiced wrestling for a year. |
free market | En el mercado libre, los precios se fijan según la oferta y la demanda. | In a free market, prices are set by supply and demand. |
free movement of currency, freely circulating currency | El Fondo Monetario Internacional determina cuáles son las monedas de libre circulación. | The International Monetary Foundation establishes the types of free movement of currency. |
go it alone, do your own thing | No le digas nada a Julia, que va por libre. | Don't say anything to Julia; she's doing her own thing. |
engage in free love | En los 70s la gente practicaba el amor libre. | In the 70s people engaged in free love. |
free time | Iré a tu casa cuando tenga un rato libre. | I will go to your house when I have free time. |
outdoor venue, open-air venue | La piscina a la que voy está en un recinto al aire libre; te da el sol en verano. | The pool that I go to is in an outdoor venue that gets a lot of sun in the summer. |
public domain software, shareware | Martín es un defensor incondicional del software libre. | Martin is a faithful proponent of public domain software (or: shareware). |
free taxi | Es imposible encontrar un taxi libre en horas pico. | Finding a free taxi in rush hour is impossible. |
have nothing standing in your way | Laura tiene el camino libre para tomar decisiones en su trabajo. | Laura has nothing standing in her way to make decisions at work. |
free time | Me gusta leer y ver televisión en mi tiempo libre. | I like to read and watch television in my free time. |
free kick | El tiro libre se le concede al jugador que fue víctima de una falta. | A player who is fouled is given a free kick. |
freelance | He dejado la empresa; ahora trabajo por libre. | I left the company and am freelancing now. |
free translation | Para traducir poesía, lo mejor es la traducción libre. | To translate poetry, free translation is best. |
free trade agreement | Gracias al tratado de libre comercio, el precio de los teléfonos se redujo drásticamente. | Thanks to the free trade agreement, the price of telephones went down drastically. |
civil union | En algunos países, la unión libre concede los mismos derechos que el matrimonio. | In some countries, civil union concedes the same rights as marriage. |
the go-ahead, the all clear | Mi madre me dio vía libre para salir por la noche. | My mother gave me the all clear to go out at night. |
travel on your own, travel independently | Viajar por libre es más interesante. | It's more interesting to travel on one's own. |
paragliding | Ayer hicimos vuelo libre en parapente. | Yesterday we went paragliding. |