
Todo De La El En Lo Con I

Index 472
Question todo
Question sentences
Bueno tu dime todo todo sobre tus asustos cuando salga de la ducha.
Cógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo.
Answer all; everything
Answer sentences and translations
allBueno tu dime todo todo sobre tus asustos cuando salga de la ducha.Well, you tell me all about your business when I get out of the shower.
allCógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo, cógelo todo.Get it all, get it all, get it all, get it all, get it all.
allSería genial si todo funcionara perfectamente todo el tiempo.It would be great if everything worked perfectly all the time.
allEn EUA, somos responsables por más que todo Sudamérica todo África, todo el Medio Oriente todo Asia, todos combinados.In our country, we are responsible for more than all of South America, all of Africa, all of the Middle East, all of Asia, all combined.
allBernadette renunció a todo para tenerlo todo.She renounced all in order to have all.
allLo tenía todo preparado, y todo cambió.He had it all lined up, and then everything changed.
allApréndelo todo y luego olvídalo todo.Learn it all, then forget it all.
allAhora todo tiene sentido, todo está claro.It's all making sense, all of this is becoming clear.
allAhora puedes hacer todo, todo a tu hermosa manera.You can do everything now, all on your beautiful own.
everythingRepasaremos todo cuando lleguemos Liberty Village.We'll go over everything when we get to Liberty Village.
everythingRegaló todo, fumó todo, fumamos todo.Gave everything away, smoked everything, we smoked everything.
everythingSería genial si todo funcionara perfectamente todo el tiempo.It would be great if everything worked perfectly all the time.
everythingComprar esta casa podría arreglar absolutamente todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo... todo...Buying this house would fix absolutely everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything... everything...
everythingTodo, todo, todo, todo.Everything, everything, everything, everything.
everythingY recordad bien: todo por descubrir, todo por construir juntos, todo amor, todo para compartir, todo es posible, y la fe es un evento todo para contar.And remember well: everything is to be discovered, everything is to be built together, everything is love, everything is to be shared, everything is possible, and the faith is an event everything about which is to be told.
everythingEl amor todo lo cree todo lo espera todo lo soporta.Love believes everything expects everything bears everything.
everythingLee todo, escucha todo, conoce todo.Read everything, listen to everything, know everything.
everythingLo querían todo, todo, todo.Wanted everything for it, everything, everything.
everythingTeníamos casas, terrenos, todo, todo, todo.We had houses, land, everything, everything, everything.
everythingVeo todo, escucho todo, huelo todo y lo sé todo.I see everything, hear everything, smell everything and knows everything.
everythingMe solía encantar todo... todo sobre este trabajo.I used to love everything... everything about this job.
everythingLo tenía todo preparado, y todo cambió.He had it all lined up, and then everything changed.
everythingAhora puedes hacer todo, todo a tu hermosa manera.You can do everything now, all on your beautiful own.
allEl director es el representante de todo el personal.The director is the representative of all the staff.
whole, entireEl alumno estudió todo el capítulo del libro.The student studied the whole section of the book.
everyTodo hombre es libre de elegir la religión que prefiera.Every man is free to choose the religion he wishes.
How's everything going?, How is everything?¿Qué tal todo? ¿Bien?How's everything going? All right?
Is everything alright? Everything OK?¿Todo bien? Oí un ruido extraño que venía de tu habitación y me preocupé.Is everything alright? I heard a strange noise coming from your room and I got worried.
when it rains it pours, it never rains but it poursJuan perdió su casa en un incendio y ahora se quedó sin trabajo: a perro flaco todo son pulgas.Juan's house went up in flames and now he's lost his job: it never rains but it pours.
in spite of everything, despite everythingA pesar de todo, Carlos es un hombre feliz y está satisfecho con su vida.In spite of everything, Carlos is a happy man and is satisfied with his life.
what goes around comes aroundAhora está tranquilo, pero ya va a ver en unos años: a todo chancho le llega su hora.Now he's calm, but he'll see in a few years: what goes around comes around.
in full colorEn esta televisión se pueden ver a todo color tus series preferidas.You can watch your favorite shows in full color on this TV.
full colorHan hecho una nueva versión de Cenicienta a todo color.A new version of Cinderella has been made in full color.
excellentLuis es a todo dar, es una persona estupenda.Mary is an excellent friend.
off the hookLa fiesta estuvo a todo dar, bailamos hasta el amanecer.The party was off the hook! We danced until dawn.
well, OK, fineMi auto funciona a todo dar, nunca tuve ningún problema.My car works well; I've never had any problems with it.
what's more, while on the subjectY a todo esto, aún no he pagado mis impuestos.What's more, I still have not paid my taxes.
full out, flat outLos albañiles están construyendo a todo gas para tener la casa antes del fin de mes.The builders are working flat out to get the house built by the end of the month.
when it rains it poursAcaba de salir una nueva droga barata que mata a los pobres en Atenas; a perro flaco, todo son pulgas.A new inexpensive drug just came out that is killing the poor people in Athens. When it rains, it pours.
at the top of your lungsLos manifestantes gritaban sus exigencias a todo pulmón.The protesters were shouting out their demands at the top of their lungs.
with all your mightEl payaso estuvo inflando globos a todo pulmón y ahora está mareado.The clown was blowing up balloons with all his might and now he's feeling dizzy.
to the full, to the maxMi hijo disfruta a todo pulmón cuando sale de paseo en su moto.He parties to the full (or: to the max) when he drinks tequila at the club.
at full speedLa moto pasó a todo trapo por la curva haciendo un ruido espantoso.The motorcycle went around the curve at full speed, making a horrible noise.
in styleLos niños ricos viven a todo trapo: coches de lujo, viajes al Caribe, fiestas en hoteles...Rich kids live in style: luxury cars, Caribbean cruises, hotel parties...
at top speed, full speed aheadEl tren pasó por la estación a todo vapor, sin efectuar parada.The train passed the station at top speed, without stopping.
fire on all cylindersEl nuevo ordenador está funcionando a todo vapor, no hemos tenido ni el más mínimo problema.The new computer is firing on all cylinders: we haven't had any problems at all.
poke your nose in everyone's businessEres un entrometido, siempre andas metido en todo.You're a meddler, you're always poking your nose in everyone's business.
be involved in everythingAlberto anda metido en todo: inglés, natación, la tesis, etc.Albert is involved in everything: English, swimming, his thesis, etc.
above allA esta compañía le interesa, ante todo, el bienestar de sus trabajadores.This company is concerned, above all, with the well-being of its workers.
apply the full weight of the lawCuando por fin lo agarraron, le aplicaron todo el peso de la ley.When at last they got him, they applied the full weight of the law.
Jack of all trades yet master of noneLuis empezó tres carreras, pero nunca se graduó de la universidad; se convirtió en un aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.Luis started three degrees but never graduated; he became a Jack of all trades yet master of none.
suitable for all audiencesEs una película apta para todos los públicos.It is a movie suitable for all audiences.
it's all over bar the shoutingBueno señores, aquí está todo el atún vendido. Cada uno a su casa.Okay gentlemen, it's all over bar the shouting. Everybody go home.
make off with everythingRompieron la reja de la farmacia y arrasaron con todo lo que pudieron.They broke the pharmacy gate and made off with everything they could.
clean [sb] outLlegó un grupo de japoneses que arrasó con todo, ya no me quedan existencias.A group of Japanese people arrived and cleaned me out. I don't have any more stock.
raze to the groundLos vikingos, cuando invadían una ciudad, arrasaban con todo.The Vikings razed everything when they invaded a city.
destroy everything in its pathEl huracán arrasó con todo a su paso por la isla.The hurricane destroyed everything in its path on the island.
regret everythingMe arrepiento de todo, por favor vuelve conmigo.I regret everything. Please come back to me.
that's how it all began, that's how it all got startedAntes de casarse eran vecinos, así empezó todo.Before they got married they were neighbours. That's how it all began.
that's how it isAsí es todo, no hay nada que podamos hacer.That's how it is; there's nothing we can do.
in spite of that, even soEra cobarde; así y todo, defendió a su familia.He was a coward; in spite of that (or: even so), he defended his family.
sweep everything awayEl tornado barrió con todo, desde las casas hasta la iglesia.The tornado swept everything away, from the houses to the church.
s***!¡Me cago en la puta, joder! ¡Qué martillazo me he dado!Shit! Hell! What a blow he gave me!
almost everybodyCasi todo el mundo sabe cuál es la capital de Francia.Almost everybody knows what the capital of France is.
most of the worldCasi todo el mundo sufre las inclemencias del clima.Most of the world suffers from inclement weather.
as a wholeEste problema no se puede resolver si no se lo piensa como un todo.This problem cannot be resolved if you do not think of it as a whole.
my pleasure, not at all—¿Te importaría pasarme la sal? —Con mucho gusto.-Would you mind passing me the salt? -My pleasure.
even soEngulló dos panecillos. Con todo, no quedó satisfecho.He scoffed down two rolls. Even so, he wasn't satisfied.
in spite ofCon todo lo que te quiere María, la tratas muy mal.You treat Maria so badly in spite of how much she loves you.
with the full backing of, with all the support ofLa policía agredió a los manifestantes con todo el respaldo de las autoridades.The police assaulted the protesters with the full backing of the government.
with pleasure, with great pleasure-¿Podría copiar este informe? -Claro, con todo gusto.Could you make a copy of this report? With pleasure.
with all my loveTe mando estas rosas con todo mi cariño.I am sending these roses with all my love.
with all due respectCon todo respeto, señor, tiene manchada la camisa.Sir, with all due respect, your shirt has a stain.
despite that, despite all thatCon todo y eso, el príncipe juró que la amaría hasta la muerte.Despite all that, the prince swore that he would love her forever.
against all oddsContra todo pronóstico, a Marta le fue muy bien en la entrevista.Against all odds, Marta did very well in the interview.
from the heartTe lo digo de corazón, me encanta tu manera de ser.I'm telling you from the heart, I love your personality.
a little bit of everythingMi hijo es un niño sano y come de todo.My son is a healthy child and eats a little bit of everything.
with all my heartDe todo corazón, mejor no salgas con él.With all my heart, it is better if you do not go out with him.
it takes all sorts to make a worldNo todas las personas son iguales: tienes que entender que de todo hay en la viña del Señor.Not all people are the same: you have to understand that it takes all sorts to make a world.
anything butFui a todas las librerías de la ciudad y venden de todo menos libros.I went to all the bookshops in town, and they sell anything but books.
anything butUna hija puede hablar con su padre de todo menos de sexo.A daughter can talk with her father about anything but sex.
anything butEse anticuario vende de todo menos estiletes antiguos.That antique shop sells anything but antique stilettos.
of all types, of all kinds, of all sortsMe gustan las películas de todo tipo.I like movies of all types.
a little bit of everythingEsa tienda vende de todo un poco.This store sells a little bit of everything.
leave everything in God's handsA veces debemos dejarlo todo en manos de Dios.Sometimes we must leave everything in God's hands.
entirely, completelyAunque lavé el mantel dos veces, la mancha de vino no salió del todo.Although I washed the tablecloth twice, the wine stain didn't come out entirely.
in the end, after allDespués de todo, el amor es lo único que necesitas.In the end, love is all you need.
all year longEn Inglaterra llueve durante todo el año.In England, it rains all year long.
totallyEstoy en todo de acuerdo con tu postura respecto de este asunto.I agree in all with your position with regard to this issue.
in any caseLleva un regalo o una bebida a la fiesta; en todo caso, no llegues con las manos vacías.Bring a gift or a drink to the party; in any case, don't arrive empty-handed.
throughout the worldEl programa se emitió en directo en todo el mundo.The program was broadcast live throughout the world.
at all timesDurante su viaje de negocios, Camilo pensó en su familia en todo momento.During his business trip, Camilo thought about his family at all times.
in all its splendorDurante la primavera la ciudad está en todo su esplendor.In the spring, you see the city in all its splendor.
that's all for nowGracias por su atención, es todo por ahora, buenas tardes.Thanks for your attention, that's all for now, good afternoon.
that is all—¿Tiene algo más que decir en su defensa? —No, eso es todo.- Do you have anything else to say in your defense? - No, that is all.
have said enoughNo hace falta que sigas hablando, ya me lo has dicho todo.You don't need to keep talking, because you have said enough.
be nothing left to sayCambiemos de tema, ya lo hemos dicho todo.Let's change the subject, because there is nothing left to say.
be a jack of all tradesMiguel hace de todo: carpintería, fontanería, albañilería.Miguel is a jack of all trades: carpentry, plumbing, masonry.
make every effort toJuan hizo todo lo posible por mantener su relación con Ana.Juan made every effort to maintain his relationship with Ana.
do everything humanly possibleCarlos hizo todo lo humanamente posible por salvar al niño.Carlos did everything humanly possible to save the child.
do all you can, do everything you canHaré todo lo posible para ganar la carrera.I will do all I can (or: do everything I can) to win the race.
there is a little bit of everything, there is a little of everythingEn el bolso de Ana hay de todo, como en botica: tiritas, suero, tijeras, lápiz de labios.There is a little bit of everything in Ana's bag: band-aids, serum, scissors, lipstick.
bet everything, bet it allAlberto se lo jugó todo a una única carta cuando decidió abrir su propia academia.Albert bet everything when he opened up his own school.
attitude is everythingCambia esa mala cara antes de la entrevista: la actitud lo es todo.Lose that scowl before the interview; attitude is everything.

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