
Gasolina Gasoline Gas Y En I Petrol De

Index 4375
Question gasolina
Question sentences
Obviamente, no hay gasolina en esta región.
Dame gasolina y seguiré avanzando y matando alemanes.
Answer gasoline; petrol; gas
Answer sentences and translations
gasolineObviamente, no hay gasolina en esta región.Obviously, there's no gasoline in this part of the country.
gasolineDame gasolina y seguiré avanzando y matando alemanes.You give me gasoline and I'll gain ground with it, kill Germans too.
gasolineDame la gasolina y ganaré terreno.You give me gasoline, and I'll gain ground.
gasolineSólo necesito unos malditos litros de gasolina.All I need is a few miserable gallons of gasoline.
gasolineDe repente estoy empapado en gasolina.You know, I am suddenly soaked in gasoline.
gasolineFue asesinado y prendido fuego usando gasolina.He was killed, then set on fire using gasoline.
gasolineHay suficiente gasolina dejada por su antiguo dueño para probarla.There's enough gasoline left in the engine from its previous owner for a test-run.
gasolineTrabajo en mi fórmula de gasolina instantánea.I'm working on my "instant gasoline" formula.
gasolineTodos están contentos porque gasta menos gasolina.Well, everyone's happy because it uses less gasoline.
gasolineFui a ponerle gasolina al tanque...I went to put gasoline to the tank...
petrolNos detuvimos a echarle gasolina al auto.We've just had to stop and put a drop of petrol in the Jeep.
petrolYo buscaba gasolina en la carretera...I was looking for petrol on the road...
gasSiempre tengo gasolina en el coche.I always have plenty of gas in my car.
gasEntonces perdiste gasolina y un tiempo muy valioso.Then you wasted gas and a good deal of your very valuable time.
gasLo conseguí cuando paramos por gasolina.I picked it up when we stopped for gas.
gasPiensa cuánto te ahorras en gasolina.Think how much you'd save on gas.
gasEsperemos que le hayan puesto gasolina.Let's hope they remembered to gas it up.
gasNi siquiera tenemos dinero para gasolina.We don't even have money for gas.
gasY no hablo de cargar gasolina.And I'm not talking about pumping gas.
gasPerdónenos, Madre, pero tenemos poca gasolina.Pardon us, Mother, but we don't have much gas.
petrolLa gasolina es un combustible usado para el funcionamiento de muchos motores como el coche.Petrol is a fuel used in the function of many motors such as in cars.

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