girl | Sois una muchacha iletrada y necesitáis consejo. | But you're an illiterate girl and need council. |
girl | Esa muchacha está loca por ti. | I mean, the girl is head-over-heels smitten with you. |
girl | Esa muchacha fue atacada, estrangulada y enterrada viva. | This girl was attacked, strangled, buried... and left for dead. |
girl | La muchacha había perdido demasiada sangre. | The girl had already lost too much blood. |
girl | Quizás esta muchacha impulse tus velas. | Maybe this girl puts wind in your sails. |
girl | Pero debería saber que soy una muchacha. | But I think you should know that I am a girl. |
girl | Una muchacha de buena familia muere. | A girl from a good family dies young. |
girl | Encontramos la muchacha entonces podemos descansar. | We find the girl then we can rest. |
girl | Raptaron a una muchacha y desaparecieron. | They took one girl and disappeared with her. |
girl | Gaste mucho dinero promoviendo esa muchacha. | I spent a lot of money publicizing this girl. |
girl | La bella muchacha se me fue. | Okay, there was a beautiful girl who walked right away from me. |
girl | No sabes nada de esa muchacha. | You don't know anything about that girl. |
girl | Salía con una muchacha de Hematología. | A girl from Hematology he's been running around with. |
girl | Ahora estamos buscando a la muchacha. | It's the girl we're looking for now. |
girl | Leamas y la muchacha están bajo arresto. | The man Leamas and the girl are under arrest. |
girl | Avíseme cuando la muchacha tenga edad suficiente. | Let me know when the girl is old enough. |
lass | Esa muchacha diputada dijo que viniera aquí. | That MP lass told me to come up here. |
kid | Estamos trabajando en ello, muchacha. | We're sure working on it, kid. |
kid | Sí tenías mucho talento, muchacha. | [Sighs] You really had a lot of talent, kid. |
maid, cleaner | Contraté a una muchacha para lavar y planchar la ropa de mi familia. | I hired a maid (or: cleaner) to wash and iron my family's clothes. |