
Give Dar El Dio La De I Al

Index 42
Question dar
Question sentences
Ojalá yo pudiera dar órdenes así.
Pronto tendrá fuerzas para dar ese concierto.
Answer give; provide; take
Answer sentences and translations
giveOjalá yo pudiera dar órdenes así.I wish I could give orders like that.
givePronto tendrá fuerzas para dar ese concierto.He ought to be strong enough soon to give that concert.
giveTenemos demasiado trabajo para dar esa atención.We're spread too thin to give that kind of individual attention.
givePorque elegimos dar la primera exclusiva a TV2.Because we chose to give the first exclusive to TV2.
giveCualquiera te puede dar motivos para zurrarle.Anybody can give you a reason to hit him.
giveNo tengo tiempo para dar lecciones de publicidad.I haven't got time to give lessons in advertising.
giveSolo tengo que fingir dar instrucciones.I only have to pretend to give notes.
giveLe voy a dar una bonita habitación con balcón.A person such as there are few. I'll give you a nice room with a balcony.
giveSolía dar, dar, dar.I used to give, give, give.
giveDebes dar, dar y dar...You must give, give and give...
giveDevoto: Uno puede dar guía espiritual sin dar iniciación.Devotee: You can give spiritual guidance without giving initiation.
giveNo basta dar instrumentos basta dar nociones teóricas.It is not enough to give material tools, or to give theoretical notions.
givePara que un lugar pueda dar algo, también su arquitectura debería dar.In order for a place to give, its architecture should be giving, too.
giveDespués me encontré con el reto de dar personalidad a un simple rectángulo y decidí dar mucha más flexibilidad al personaje.Still, I was then faced with the prospect of giving personality to a simple rectangle, so I decided to give the Wii Balance Board character a lot more flexibility.
provideSi pudiera dar esa clase de información...If I could actually provide that kind of information...
provideEstamos dispuestos a dar garantías a la población armenia de Nagorno-Karabaj.We are prepared to provide guarantees to the Armenian population of Nagorny Karabakh.
takeVamos a dar una vuelta con Kip.Here he comes! Let's take a trip along the Strip with Kip.
takeUno que estamos listos para dar.And it's one that we're ready to take.
takeNo puedes dar un paso adelante sin dar diez para atrás.You can't take one step forward without taking ten steps back.
give, handEl jugador dio el balón al árbitro.The player gave (or: handed) the ball to the referee.
give, hand, passDame el cuchillo, por favor.Hand (or: pass) me the knife, please.
throw, holdEl colegio dio la tradicional fiesta de fin de curso.The school held (or: threw) their traditional end-of-year party.
teach, giveEse profesor da matemáticas.That teacher teaches maths.
produce, bearEl nogal da nueces.The walnut tree bears nuts.
excellentLuis es a todo dar, es una persona estupenda.Mary is an excellent friend.
off the hookLa fiesta estuvo a todo dar, bailamos hasta el amanecer.The party was off the hook! We danced until dawn.
well, OK, fineMi auto funciona a todo dar, nunca tuve ningún problema.My car works well; I've never had any problems with it.
put on iceEl jefe dio carpetazo al expediente y su equipo empezó a trabajar en otra cosa.The boss put the dossier on ice and his team got to work on something else.
put an end toFlorencia dio carpetazo a la pelea familiar y no volvió a hablar del tema.Florence put an end to the family feud and never spoke about it again.
publishEl laboratorio dio a conocer los resultados de su investigación.The laboratory published the results of its research.
insinuatePedro dio a entender que no quería ir a la fiesta.Pedro insinuated that he didn't want to go to the party.
give birthCarla dio a luz un bebé sano.Carla gave birth to a healthy baby.
give birthFernanda dio a luz anoche.Fernanda gave birth last night.
be enough, be sufficientNo necesitamos comprar más comida; lo que tenemos dará abasto. Si me sigues dando trabajo, no podré acabar a tiempo: no doy abasto.We don't need to buy more food. What we have will be enough.
openEl guardia dio acceso a la sala.The policeman opened the hall.
give [sb] heartburnLa cerveza me dio acidez.The beer gave me heartburn.
mess upDimos al traste con el proyecto: tendremos que volver a empezar.We messed up the project and we'll have to start all over again.
shriek, screamEl niño daba alaridos mientras su madre lo bañaba.The boy was shrieking while his mother was bathing him.
catch up withLa policía dio alcance al fugitivo.The police caught up with the fugitive.
cheer onTenemos que darle ánimos al equipo para que gane el partido.We have to cheer on the team so they win the game.
give [sb] encouragement to do [sth]Cuando quería rendirme, mis amigos me dieron ánimos de seguir adelante.Just as I was about to throw in the towel, my friends gave me encouragement to carry on.
take [sb] as your ownPedro le dio apellido al niño, aunque no era su hijo.Pedro took the child as his own, even though he wasn't the father.
feel uncomfortableMe da apuro ir a la cena porque no conozco a nadie.I feel uncomfortable about going to the dinner because I don't know anyone.
start upQuiero dar arranque al proyecto.I want to start up the project.
startJuan dio arranque al auto.Juan started the car.
get married for moneyTodos en el pueblo dicen que Ramón ha dado braguetazo.Everyone in the town says that Raymond has got married for money.
put [sth] to good useMariana dio buen uso a su talento y se convirtió en violinista profesional.Mariana put her talent to good use and became a professional violinist.
accommodateEl cuarto da cabida a tres personas.The room accommodates three people.
give rise toEl discurso del vicepresidente dio cabida a toda clase de comentarios.The vice-president's speech gave rise to all sorts of comments.
pay attention toNo le des cabida a lo que dicen y hacé lo que vos quieras.Don't pay any attention to what they say and do whatever you want.
give the brushoffLe pidió que fuera su novia y ella le dio calabazas.He asked her to be his girlfriend and she gave him the brushoff.
spice [sth] up, perk [sth] upLos hinchas dieron calor a los deportistas.It's time we spice up the party!
dodge a paymentEl gobierno dio calote con el pago de la deuda.The government dodged a debt payment.
tell offLos padres dieron caña a sus hijos cuando se enteraron del lío.The parents told off their children when they found out about the mess.
hurry [sb]Dale caña a tu hermano o llegaremos tarde.Hurry your brother or we'll be late.
beat, thrash, flogMartín le dio caña a su hermano por romper el juguete.Martin beat his brother for breaking the toy.
give carte blancheHan dado al nuevo director carta blanca para hacer cambios en la empresa.The new CEO has been given carte blanche to make changes in the company.
make [sb] jealousPablo le da celos a María cada vez que sale con sus amigas.Pablo makes Maria jealous every time he goes out with her friends.
annoy the hell out ofMe da cien patadas tener que ir al cumpleaños de ese impresentable.It annoys the hell out of me to have to go to the birthday of that disgrace.
teach a classDoy clase en un colegio secundario.I teach a class at a high school.
teach private classesPedro da clases particulares de inglés.Pedro teaches private English classes.
suck up to [sb]María siempre da coba a todos los jefes.Maria always sucks up to all her bosses.
provide shelterDebemos dar cobijo a quienes lo necesitan.We should provide shelter to those who need it.
give color, provide colorNecesitas dar más color a esa pared.You need to give this wall more color.
jazz up, juice upHace falta darle color a la propuesta y hacerla más atractiva.The proposal needs to be jazzed up and made more attractive.
start [sth], begin [sth]El maestro de ceremonias dio comienzo al acto.The master of ceremonies began the ceremony.
result in [sth], give rise to [sth]La crisis dio como resultado una ola de violencia.The crisis resulted in a wave of violence.
find [sth]Di con este lindo sillón de camino a casa.I found this nice armchair on the way home.
come across [sb]Ayer di con Juan camino al trabajo, hacía mucho no lo veía.Yesterday I came across Juan on the way to work; it had been a long time since I'd seen him.
inspire confidenceMarcos inspira confianza y por eso siempre se hace cargo del dinero.Marcos inspires confidence and, for this reason, is always trusted with the money.
give substance toTenemos que dar contenido a esta historia.We have to give substance to this story.
feel awkwardMe da corte pedir preservativos en la farmacia.I feel awkward asking for condoms at the pharmacy.
feel funny, feel strange, feel weirdMe da cosa meter la mano en la tierra.Hearing chalk on a blackboard makes me feel funny.
upsetMe da cosa ver a María siempre tan triste.It upsets me to always see Maria so sad.
give [sb] the creepsA Juan le da cosa dormir con la luz apagada.Sleeping with the light off gives Juan the creeps.
believeNo doy crédito a lo que me estás contando.I don't believe what you are telling me.
polish offLos niños dieron buena cuenta de la tarta.The children polished off the cake.
explain, justifyEl empleado dio cuenta de su error ante el jefe.The employee explained his mistake to the boss.
give an account on [sth], account for [sth]Dieron cuenta del asunto y se fueron a casa.They gave an account of the matter and went home.
wind upEl abuelo le da cuerda al viejo reloj de pared todas las noches.The grandfather winds up the wall clock every night.
get [sb] started, get [sb] wound upSi le das cuerda a mi papá, te va a hablar de ovnis toda la noche.If you get my father started (or: get my father wound up), he'll talk to you about UFO's all night long.
give shape to [sth], give [sth] shapeMaría dio cuerpo al plan y empezó a trabajar.Maria gave the plan shape and began to work.
flesh outDebemos dar cuerpo a esta idea o nunca avanzaremos.We should flesh out that idea or we will never move forward.
thickenDebes darle cuerpo a esa sopa: está muy líquida.You need to thicken the soup: it's too runny.

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