coup | Están presenciando un golpe de estado. | You, sir, are witnessing a coup d'état. |
coup | Intentarán darles el golpe de gracia. | They will try to give you the coup de grace. |
coup | Y un golpe militar lo derribó. | And he was overthrown by a military coup. |
blow | Ni un golpe fuerte puede moverlo. | You see, it can't even be dislodged by a severe blow. |
blow | Era capaz de soportar cualquier golpe. | CROOKED ARROW: Was able to withstand any blow. |
blow | Te agradezco por soportar semejante golpe desagradable con fortaleza. | I thank you for bearing what must be an unpleasant blow with some fortitude. |
blow | La fuerza del golpe probablemente la dejó inconsciente. | The force of the blow would've probably rendered her unconscious. |
blow | Mejor una palabra y un golpe. | Couple it with something; make it a word and a blow. |
blow | Perderla sería un enorme golpe financiero. | Losing her would be a huge financial blow. |
hit | Mel Gordon no quiere un golpe profesional. | So Mel Gordon wouldn't want a professional hit. |
hit | Hice otro golpe ayer, doble. | I got another hit yesterday, a double. |
hit | Paris está planeando un gran golpe. | I went by the office today. Paris is planning a big hit. |
hit | Un golpe más y estaremos indefensos. | One more hit and we're dead in the water. |
hit | Parece un golpe profesional, inspector. | This reads like a professional hit, Inspector. |
hit | Necesito que des un último golpe estratégico. | I need you to go in for one last strategic hit. |
hit | Tiene golpe mafioso escrito por todas partes. | It's got gangland hit written all over it. |
hit | Esa niña no soportaría otro golpe. | This kid cannot take another hit. (Warner) No. |
hit | Bueno, esto parece un golpe profesional. | You know, this looks like a professional hit. |
hit | Un golpe duro pero perfectamente legal. | BRYAN: A rough, but perfectly legal hit. |
hit | Estamos aquí por un golpe histórico. | We're here for the hit of a lifetime. |
blow | Me di un golpe contra la mesa. | The hammer struck the nail with a sharp blow. |
dent | El coche tiene un golpe en el parachoques. | The car has a dent in the bumper. |
robbery | Las atracadores cometieron un golpe esta semana. | The thieves pulled off another robbery this week. |
blow | La muerte de su mujer fue un golpe para él. | The death of his wife was quite a blow to him. |
pang, tightening | Sentí un golpe en el pecho cuando me enteré de que habían entrado ladrones. | I felt a pang (or: a tightening) in my chest when I realized that thieves had entered. |
stroke | Seve Ballesteros tenía un golpe perfecto. | Seve Ballesteros had a perfect stroke. |
crack, wisecrack | Juan siempre tiene un golpe buenísimo; es imposible aburrirte con él. | John is so full of wisecracks that it's hard to be bored around him. |