inhabitant | Hembra adulta habitante de Boranis III. | This is an adult female inhabitant of Boranis lll. |
inhabitant | Yo soy el habitante original de esta tierra. | I am the original inhabitant of this land. |
inhabitant | Tal vez el habitante nativo nos pueda ayudar. | Perhaps the native inhabitant can help us. |
inhabitant | Únicamente está autorizada a cuestionar a un habitante libre que haya cometido un acto delictivo. | You are only authorized to question a free inhabitant who's committed a criminal act. |
inhabitant | Se sentía atraída hacia la Luna y su habitante... | She seemed to be attracted to the Moon and it's inhabitant. |
inhabitant | El padre de Esther era comerciante, habitante de Raguva. | Esther's father's occupation was merchant, inhabitant of Raguva. |
inhabitant | Popularmente al antiguo habitante de esta zona se le ha denominado como el hombre de Chivateros. | Popularly the old inhabitant of this area has been called as the Chivateros man. |
inhabitant | Ningún viajero ni habitante tiene nada que temer de ladrones u hombres violentos. | Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. |
inhabitant | El diluvio despierta a otro habitante de bosque. | The deluge wakes another forest inhabitant. |
inhabitant | Soy el único habitante de Nunca Jamás. | I am the sole inhabitant of Neverland. |
resident | Miento si digo que un habitante no me ayuda de vez en cuando. | I'd be lying if I said a resident doesn't help me once in a while. |
resident | El último habitante murió en 1924. | Its last resident died in 1912. |
resident | Simplemente una inversión inesperada de un habitante leal. | Just an unexpected investment from a loyal resident. |
resident | Soy yo de nuevo, el habitante de la Casa Blanca. | Me again, White House resident. |
dweller | Usted habitante del mar, yo sabía... | You are sea dweller, I knew... |
dweller | Supongo que es un habitante de la ciudad. | Guess he's a city dweller. |
dweller | Si un habitante muere, pagamos por el entierro. | If a dweller dies, we pay for the burial. |
dweller | Prefiero ser un habitante de las cuevas y libre. | I would rather be a cave dweller and free. |
dweller | Se ha documentado el lobo indio, hiena rayada, y el caracal este último habitante de los espacios abiertos. | There have been reports of the Indian wolf (canis lupus indica), striped hyena, and the caracal the latter being an open country dweller. |
dweller | Los bambúes son explotados en forma muy distinta por otro habitante del bosque. | Bamboos are exploited in a very different way by another forest dweller. |
inhabitant, resident | Los habitantes de la casa salieron a recibir a los visitantes. | The house's residents came out to receive their guests. |
resident | España tiene alrededor de 46 millones de habitantes. | Spain has around 46 million residents. |